Canon Ixus 870, 980 邊部好D?

2008-12-01 7:25 am
請問Canon Ixus 870同 980 邊部好D?

我自己咩都唔識的, 主要用黎平日影下相

多影室內比較暗的環境, 另外要有微距.




請問有無人用過, 可以比d意見我.


回答 (1)

2008-12-10 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
870 advantages:
1. cheaper $2480 (vs 980 $2650)
2. higher optical zoom 4x (vs 980 3.7x)
3. wider angle 28mm (vs 980 36mm)
4. larger LCD 3" (vs 980 2.5")
980 advantages:
1. higher resolution 1.47M (vs 870 1.0M)
2. have manual focus (vs 870 nil)
The answer is simple. I will choose 870 definitely. For daily use, we do not need 1.47M resolution. As this is a DC, manual focus is seldom used. That is why 870 is selling better than 980.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:17:01
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