help brother

2008-12-01 3:54 am
I am unhappy talk to me first have 40

回答 (5)

2008-12-01 7:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am unhappy talk to me first have 40.
加上點號, 全句應是:
I am unhappy, talk to me, first have 40.
令句子更完美, 應是:
I am very unhappy, please talk to me, the first answer will get 40 points.
Please feel happier by find some suitable friends or family members to talk about why you are so unhappy? they will talk to you, slowly, you'll find autism problem will disappear.
Please find yourself back at once!!!

參考: self
2008-12-02 3:31 am
I am sorry to hear that you are unhappy. Each person deal with unhappiness
differently. Some like to talk to family or friends about it. Some like to keep
it quiet. Personally, I think its very healthy to talk to family and friends about
why you are unhappy. They may or may not able to help you, but simply talking
about it can already makes you feel better. Besides, other people may have
different life experiences that may offer you suggestions or help that you did
not think about before. This means more options for you. So, best of luck,
and take care.
2008-12-01 1:27 pm
I am sorry to hear that you are unhappy. Each person deal with unhappiness
differently. Some like to talk to family or friends about it. Some like to keep
it quiet. Personally, I think its very healthy to talk to family and friends about
why you are unhappy. They may or may not able to help you, but simply talking
about it can already makes you feel better. Besides, other people may have
different life experiences that may offer you suggestions or help that you did
not think about before. This means more options for you. So, best of luck,
and take care.

2008-12-01 4:28 am
YOu are unhappy then what should you do??!!!! You better open the window and jump out! You don't need to ask questions here!

2008-11-30 20:29:20 補充:
Wasting Yahoo's spacee and our time!!!!!!!!

2008-11-30 20:29:30 補充:
2008-12-01 4:04 am
wt did u say?

i dun know wt did u mean , i am so sorry about ur grammer

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