一個地區既氣候對戈個地區既人口分佈有咩影響?! [急]

2008-12-01 3:46 am
如 題 ,,
一 個 地 區 既 氣 候 對 戈 個 地 區 既 人 口 分 佈 有 咩 影 響 ?!
[就 中 國 而 言]
Make a conclusion about the influence of climate on the population distribution in China.
要 舉 例 `!
最 好 用 英 文 答 + 自 己 意 見 ,,
吾 好 靜 系 抄 !

回答 (1)

2008-12-02 2:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is some example of China population distribution!!!

They should just focus on the urban area now. The reasons are as follow:

First, the distribution of wealth are extremely uneven in mainland China, the income of the people in the rural area have no significant improvement in recent years. They can never consume any goods in better quality. The strategies of the foreign goods are usually higher price, better quality with a sperior branding. Their target customer would be the higher-income group. So they should only focus on the urban area.

Second, the information flow in the rural area is poor. The people there don't know what branding is. They would find that a handbag with an unidentifiable brand name is indifferent with that of LV's. They only know what is cola, but not COCA.

Thus, the branding strategy of foreign business can have no effect in rural area.

Foreign can pay attention on rural area only when there is a great economic development.


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