Sponge cake 中轉英

2008-12-01 2:37 am
1.Preheat the oven to 180'C and prepare a patty tin
2.Sieve the flour on a plate
3.Whisk the eggs and sugar until the mixture is thick
4.fold in half of the flour with a metal spoon and repeat the step.(cut and fold)
5.add warm water and vanilla essence.Stir well
6.pour the mixture into the tin.Place it in the oven and bake for 15 minutes
7.let the cake cool on a cooling rack.Sprinkle with icing sugar and decorate with cherries.

回答 (3)

2008-12-01 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Preheat the oven to 180'C and prepare a patty tin
2.Sieve the flour on a plate
3.Whisk the eggs and sugar until the mixture is thick
4.fold in half of the flour with a metal spoon and repeat the step.(cut and fold)
5.add warm water and vanilla essence.Stir well
6.pour the mixture into the tin.Place it in the oven and bake for 15 minutes
7.let the cake cool on a cooling rack.Sprinkle with icing sugar and decorate with cherries.
參考: 自己。因爲我也會烤蛋糕。
2008-12-01 3:25 am
成篇都係英文, 我諗你想英譯中(不是中轉英)係咪? 你個食譜有D嘢不很合理, 只能盡量直譯, 希望幫到你:

1.Preheat the oven to 180'C and prepare a patty tin
預熱焗爐至180C(通常要10分鐘)及預備一個疍糕盤(食譜應該會寫乜嘢大細同形狀, 例如圓形直徑8吋或9吋等, 或者其他形狀)
2.Sieve the flour on a plate
3.Whisk the eggs and sugar until the mixture is thick
將疍及糖搞打至濃稠(作用係將大量空氣打入疍中, 打好時疍漿會變成淺黄色同體積會明顯大咗, 唔係專業人仕咁識用力嘅話建議用電動打旦器, 否則隻手會攰到食哂成個疍糕都補唔番)
4.fold in half of the flour with a metal spoon and repeat the step.(cut and fold)
用鐵匙拌入一半麫粉, 再重覆拌入其餘麵粉(fold係整西點嘅一個動作, 方法係將麫粉加入疍漿中, 再用大匙由下而上又由上而下打八字咁輕輕將D粉同疍漿混和, 不可太用力及不可搞太耐以免疍漿內的空氣消失, 建議用整西點用嚟將D粉漿由容器度刮出嚟嘅膠刮, 比木匙或鐵匙都好用)
5.add warm water and vanilla essence.Stir well
加入暖水及雲尼拿香油, 拌勻(記得輕輕力, 呢個step有少少怪, 不過可能係我見得少啫)
6.pour the mixture into the tin.Place it in the oven and bake for 15 minutes
將混合物倒入疍糕盤中, 放入焗爐中焗15分鐘(因唔知個cake有幾大, 所以唔sure時間够唔够, check吓熟唔熟嘅方法係用一枝長竹纖插入個cake中間再抽出嚟, 如果冇粉漿黐住嘅就係熟咗喇)
7.let the cake cool on a cooling rack.Sprinkle with icing sugar and decorate with cherries.
將疍糕(脫模)放在網架上攤凉, 洒上糖霜及用櫻桃(車厘子)裝飾.

2008-11-30 19:28:16 補充:
唔知搞咩上面嘅隔行好奇怪, 不過相信你會識睇.
參考: Myself, Myself
2008-12-01 3:05 am
1.對180 'C預熱烤爐並且準備一小餡餅罐
4.用一把金屬匙調入面粉的一半並且重複這種措施。 (切並且摺疊)
6.倒進tin.Place的混合物它在烤爐內並且烤適合15 分鐘

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