Sennheiser既入耳式耳筒邊個好呀??? 15分

2008-12-01 1:00 am
但係兩個既價錢相差120蚊~ 點解???
CX400好還是CX500好?? Y??
同埋有冇其他牌子比起上黎會更好呢 而價錢大約一樣呢?? 原因??


Sennheiser同SHURE有咩分別呀??? 邊個既品質好呢?? 對呢兩個牌既入耳式耳筒有咩推介?? 點解??around $1000 or below 根據上面既推介邊一個比較好?? Y??

回答 (2)

2008-12-04 4:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
cx300 cx400 and cx500 is oem product from china's brand.
There quality is not as good as other sennheiser products.
Furthermore, there are many fake product of the abve series.
I suggest you go to try UE sf3 studio, UM1
They are outstanding below $1000
and shure earphone has problem about 線, easy broken.
You can go to 亦軒 to try most of earphone
九龍旺角西洋菜南街 5 號 好望角大廈 16 樓 1602 室
灣仔軒尼詩道130號 灣仔電腦城2樓269號鋪 (灣仔港鐵站側, 灣仔港鐵站A4出口)
九龍旺角 山東街47-51號 星際城市 一樓115號舖

In there, they will give you advise too and provide good service.
Try them out because everyone likes different sound.

2008-12-04 08:15:55 補充:
welcome to ask more questions!

2008-12-04 21:16:25 補充:
無記錯的話是一個可插iphone 頭, 另一個吾得
參考: the shop address from:
2008-12-03 1:39 am
最好問問的専業售賣耳筒公司啦,我住在大埔,若有空我都去大埔廣塲新開的耳機店(Lift Music)行行,那裏都有你所列出的產品(我取了張咭片電話是:39042038)希望幫到你

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