
2008-11-30 11:06 pm
"Long ago the wedding cake was just lots of little cakes that were broken over the bride's head to give good luck and to make sure she would have a lot of children."
其中的"were broken over"是phrasal verb嗎?有甚麼意思?

回答 (4)

2008-12-01 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
the little cakes were broken over the bride's head means:

They were broken by someone over the bride's head.

So it is not a phrasal verb here.

I guess you understand the meaning of this passage, right? good luck
2008-12-03 6:05 pm
Read the sentence and understand by part: Long ago ---the wedding cake was just lots of little cakes--- that were broken--- over the bride's head--- to give good luck--- and to make sure she would have a lot of children.
It is easier to understand, isn't it?

2008-12-03 10:08:44 補充:
were broken - past tense, passive voice
'over' goes with the bride's head, not with 'were broken'
The rest I hope is quite straight forward in meaning.
2008-12-01 12:21 pm
從前, 結婚蛋糕就只是一些細小的蛋糕用作在新娘的頭上破成碎片散下, 希望能夠給她帶來幸運及確保她會有很多小孩子.
參考: xoxo
2008-11-30 11:33 pm
were broken is isn't a phrasal verb

in here were broken is mean by over
參考: me

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