講稿 最少要1分鐘 ( 英文 )

2008-11-29 8:16 pm

subject : Teen problems

information :
1) being bullied at school
2) being dissatisfied with weight ( worrying about appearance )
3) doing badly at school
4) having lots of homework
5) having no friends
6) having nowhere to study
7) having pimples
8) having strict parents
9) having too many tests
10) having very busy parents ( lack of communication with parents )
11) not having enough pocket money
12) want more freedom

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注 : 以上資料 , 在選其項時必須寫出其有效且合理的解決方法

e.g. having pimples , being dissatisfied with weight .
maybe ought to see a doctor . Eating healthier food and exercising more will also help .

回答 (3)

2008-12-03 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi,everyone. Today I want to share with you some of my teen problems . The others always tease and ask me why there are too many pimples on my face and why I am as fat as a pig.
I really hate it when they say that. They just don't know
how much pressure I am under. With tons of tests,
it would be strange if I didn't get any acnes.
Also, I usually have too much homework.Since my neighbours are pretty noisy, I want to find a quiet place for my studies.Too bad! There is no library in my neighbourhood.
It means I have nowhere to study either.Last year I came last in my class. Sigh! They call me a fat pimple girl at school all the time.No one is my friend! Sometimes I want to talk to my strict parents about it, but they often shout at me and say," those are your own problems, you go fix them".
Actually they are very busy too, it is hard for me to
sit down and really talk to them.Sometimes I want to
go to a beauty salon and have everything fixed, but then I know that would be impossible.
My parents would probably say no and I only receive
$20 from them. I think it would take me one hundred years to save up enough money to do what I want.Grrrrr!!!!!
I don't expect much now. I have decided to talk to

some social workers about my problems and hopefully they will give me some good advice. Anyway I will grow up and have my own freedom sooner or later. Sigh big time!
2008-12-10 8:32 pm
To 睡,乃人生一大樂事也,

I cannot recall if I was the one who pasted the answer here(001).

The answer from 001 is something I wrote. If it is not from whatiswhat24, then
someone stole my answer. Please kindly check. I myself hate copiers so much.

Thank you.
2008-12-06 6:27 am
I'm _______ ( 姓名 ) from ____ ( 班別 ) . Today I'll talk about Teens problems .

First,they are having no friends,because they were shy and reserved . I think
they should try to be more outgoing . If they were more sociable towards
their classmates,they would make more friends .

Next,they have bad result in school . Since they don't understand to do
schoolwork . I think they should ask teacher , parents or friends for help .

After that,they are having a lot of pimples and being dissatisfied with weight . Since
they love eat fast-food and snack . I think they maybe ought to see a doctor .
Eating healthier food and exercising more will also help .

Finally, they are being bullied at school . I think they have to talk to class teacher
and parents about it . thank you

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