Mon無顯示(No Signal),但入到Windows桌面

2008-11-29 7:32 pm

但係不論 有顯示 定 無顯示,都入到Windows桌面(有登入音樂)





回答 (2)

2008-11-29 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think this problems should not related to the Card Driver because you cannot see the signal output to the monitor when computer boot and bios ...

you should go to check did your card have bad connect to the slot ,
if you card to slot have little "Sung Sung Day" it will have this problems.

if not, please display the display card and use onboard vga to test ....
if the problems have not come again,...than....go to buy a new card.
2008-11-30 1:36 am
1. 連接Mon與顯示咭的訊號綫內斷裂, 所以時得時唔的, 試試換條正常訊號綫有無改善.
2. 訊號綫插頭與插座的金屬接點, 因氧化接觸不良. (需用專用清潔劑清理)
3. Mon或顯示咭機件故障, 建議用另一正常Mon或顯示咭試試.

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