how to call to canada from macau?!

2008-11-29 1:58 pm
do anyonw know that..
how to call to canada from macau?!
im in canada now..
and my frd are in macau,,
so i want to call ..
so how can i call?!

回答 (1)

2008-11-29 6:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You mean you are in Canada at the moment and
you want to call your friends in Macau ?
If so, you may just dial "853" then your friends' tel numbers.


2008-11-30 01:37:53 補充:
Ask your friends to dial "1" first then ( area code) +( your telephone number).

Number 1 <------- is the country code + ( AREA CODE) + ( your telephone number)

You never told me what location you would be at tho.

2008-11-30 01:38:24 補充:
You need to know the area in Canada.<-----------------------------

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