Need help quick plz. thank you.?

2008-11-28 11:53 pm
Someone plz help me for this question... than you :)

Sorry i think the picture is not clear what i am asking .. this is the correct one Do not use the above picture


thank you amt pnt, do u have another way to solve it without using the sin, cos , tan formula?

回答 (2)

2008-11-29 12:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
create a perpendicular line from the centre to the bottom,
use Pythagoras: X(^2)=18^(2) - 12^(2)
2008-11-29 8:11 am
lets draw a perpendicular from centre to the base and name it "r". the a traingle is formed with sides 18, 12 and r. then use following formula.

r^2 = 18^2 + 12^2 - 2(18*12*cos 55)

using calculator,

r = 14.84 (rounding off at 2 decimal place)

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