I need help please, I'm 14 and having a baby!?

2008-11-28 7:21 pm
I just turned 14-years-old almost two weeks ago. This summer I was at a family party and my father is a police officer and invited his 28-year-old friend that is also a police officer and I started talking to him. And at the end I ended up liking him. And we got to know each other and sep. 27 we ended up having sex. I know it was mistake but know I'm having a baby and he doesn't even care the only help he is offering me is running away from home and giving it to him and then after I have the child go back home and he will take care of the baby.

And what hurts me the most is that, the only thing he wanted was to have sex with me and then he doesn't even want to see me now every time he sees me is look past me and says that I should had taken care of myself that it isn't his problem.

回答 (21)

2008-11-28 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You have been preyed upon by a pedophile who oddly enough is also a police officer. You need to tell your parents. He should be prosecuted for statutory rape and be fired from his job/career. You can prove his guilt in a court of law with a simple paternity test proving he is the father....and therefore guilty of having sex with a girl who at the time was 13 years old.
He used you for free sex and now obviously cares nothing about you and wants to put the blame on you (a child) for not using birth control that he as an adult should have been just as responsible for. It IS and will be HIS problem. What a jerk...and that's putting it nicely.
2008-11-29 3:29 am
You need to go to the police! He is twice your age, he has no Business being with a girl your age. They can do a DNA test on the amniotic fluid and, since he is the father, they can prove that he ws with you and press charges. Don't run away, it is your parents job to protect you. I am sure that while they will not be thrilled about what you are telling them, they will do whatever they need to do to help you, whether that means getting you an abortion or helping you be the best mommy you can be to your future child.
2008-11-29 3:31 am
What a horrible man! :o( Poor you. Do your parents know? You're going to have to tell them if they don't, you can't go through this alone.

They will probably be angry at first but you're their little girl and I'm sure they'll come round and support you. You're Dads "friend" has a lot to answer for though and will probably in big trouble...at the very least he'll loose his job and be put on the sex offenders register. (Hopefully this wont bother you though, sounds like that's less than he deserves.)

Don't run away...this guy is pathetic and immature, do you really want him to raise your baby?

Good luck, I really hope things turn out ok for you.

2008-11-29 3:31 am
Well I'm sure as you already know, thats ILLEGALLL!!!! your over 10 years apart from each other and thats just wrong on his part. But I know you don't want to be lectured... your in a difficult situation as is. So, if I were you I would tell your parents. Yes, its going to be difficult, but they'll understand. Their your parents and they love you, so they'll accept it. And you could always, take the father to court. He would be put in jail first off... but he would also provide child support and what not. Best of luck to you, thats a tough place to be.
2008-11-29 3:31 am
This guy sounds like a loser! You should tell your Dad and Mom about what happened as they are the only ones who are on your side and will help you.

The 27 yr old guy should have known better than to have sex with a 14 yr old. But now that it is done, you need to tell your parents and decide what you want to do about this situation.

I also think something should be done about this cop because he is a public servant, he is an adult and he is having sex with a minor; which is illegal. You really should tell someone because he might be doing this to other young girls and leaving them in the same way that he left you - which is absolutely WRONG! Please tell your parents and get the proper help and advice.

Bringing a child into this world is serious stuff and you cannot run away from home because of this. Trust your parents and pray about this.
2008-11-29 3:30 am
wow that's tough sorry to hear that you are very young and have soo much to learn it's gonna be the hardest thing you ever do but the love your gonna have for this living being who is a part of you it makes it all worth it in the end but don't run away and check out your options i'm not okay with abortions but your you and i don't judge sooo see what you can do and do what you need to for you no one else don't worry what anybody does says or thinks you'll be fine. try to get help from centers, theres lots of places that will give you all the help you need if your parents don't. good luck if you have any questions u can e-mail me at [email protected]
2008-11-29 3:48 am
Have you seen a doctor yet? Is your pregnancy confirmed? If yes, your doctor would be the first one you should talk to. Then, talk to your Mom. Tell her what happened and what you want to do with the pregnancy/baby/situation. Then, together, talk to Dad and tell him what happened and how you want him to help you. Let Mom and Dad help you decide what to do with the man who got you pregnant. Just running off to the police now to get him arrested is not the best solution. The first and foremost thing is you - you need to take care of you and your baby, and that's where you'll need your parent's help. Don't make any decisions because you still love/miss/want/angry/pissed off, etc. That man is not worth your worries or tears anymore.
2008-11-29 3:45 am
You need to tell someone because that was WRONG on his part your young and he had no business playing with your emotions like that he could loose his job and be sent to jail it's basically rape (you may not have said no but your still a minor) TELL SOMEONE NOW......
and your going to run into a lot of men like that out there but don't TRUST everyone you meet because some men are cruel and they will do anything and tell you anything just to get in your pants TRUST me I've been their and done that (sadly) but I've learned from my mistakes and now you have to it's a part of life ( a challenge) but you just really need to TELL somebody FAST because he could be out their doing the same thing to other girls you don't know so OPEN YOUR MOUTH and say something and everything else will fall into place ..... good luck im sorry for what happened to you
2008-11-29 3:33 am
This man sounds an absolute disgrace! He's a police officer but yet broke the law i would recommend that you call the police and get him done for statutory rape, so he can't do this to another innocent, vulnerable girl!

I would tell him to shove it with the baby, if you're wanting to keep the baby, keep it. If not then have a long hard think because i can't recommend you abort as im strictly against abortion and this isn't this poor innocents life's fault, you should of been more responsible hunnie, but i do blame this man, you're naive, what on earth is his excuse? Hes a grown man for christ sake.

Good luck to you, i wish you happiness.
2008-11-29 3:33 am
well hun you just let a grown man take advantage of you! Did you really think that a 28 year old would actually want a relationship with a 14 year old? especially a cop that wouldn't want to lose his job! You will find out that most men only want sex, it's nothing new in the world your just starting to realize it . I wish you the best of luck with all your big choices
參考: Mother of two and expecting again (9 weeks)

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