Why do I want to be pregnant all of a sudden?(More info)?

2008-11-28 7:01 pm
I'll be 19 in 10 days and we're getting married next year. and moving into a 3 bedroom apartment around March/April with two of our friends. We don't have natural employment. He has food stamps, social security, and medicaid. I'am not going to be employed, I'am going to school to be a writer/journalist.

And the parents who have financial problems turn out to be the best kind of parents. I already know what it's like to change a baby, take it with me everywhere, wake up in the middle of the night, etc. I did the baby carrying class when I was in high school. And I also have a niece that I frequently take care of.

And how is wanting to be pregnant, wanting to be little everyone else? Please, answer me that.

And we do use condoms thankyou very much.

But I'm asking why I want to be pregnant all of a sudden. I mean it's been going on a couple months now. I see mommy's with their babies and I get jealous. I want a baby of my own.

回答 (8)

2008-11-28 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Probably because you think think it's cool to be finally move out, get married and be a starving writer/struggling roomie and all you need now is a baby bump to prove that you're part of the adult world. Or maybe it's because you've got nothing to be proud of in your life that you think a baby would finally give you something to show-off. Or you finally realized that one of the ways to milk the government for more welfare money is to have a baby.

If you want to "own" something with your fiance, maybe try a car first? Learn what it takes to have real responsibilities with real bills and payments to make and then decide if you're financially or mentally ready for a kid.
2008-11-29 3:07 am
I think this is more of a psychological question. What does the baby represent to you? It could be anything. Love? For some people it is stability. Maybe you are trying to reach a goal in your life, that you think a baby could help you reach.
2008-11-29 3:17 am
wow. well you're in for a surprise..

seriously?! we have no money, no jobs, live off food stamps....

grow up a little more and get a REAL man, and be financially, mentally, and emotionally stable before even THINKING about bringing a child into this world.

dont you think a baby would deserve better than what you would bring him/her into now?

and it's probably just a phase.
2008-11-29 3:10 am
Because you are getting out of the house and you want to be an adult. Do have a kid until you finish school. I was married when I was your age and it can be a struggle having a child when you don't have the finances. Wait! You have plenty of years in front of you. If you want to be a pseudo-parent buy a cat, if you can take care of it you might be half way there in about a year. Get your education first, that way if the marriage doesn't work out you can take care of yourself.
2008-11-29 3:18 am
Parents with Financial problems make the best kind of parents? What world are you living in? I hardly think not being able to buy your child food, take them to the doctor or put shoes on their feet constitutes a good parent. Your boyfriend who is on SS, food stamps and medicaid is a real winner let me tell you! You have got yourself one nice life, let the government pay for everything. Maybe you want a child because you have NOTHING in your life you can take pride in.

Edit: Try getting a job instead. For the girl that says get a puppy, I would agree except this girl cant even care for a puppy. Food stamps do not cover vet bills or pet food. It would end up sick and dying from not being properly taken care of. I would start with the job. Then maybe you can consider a puppy.
2008-11-29 3:15 am
I am sure you want a baby and it seems so exciting but from the info I have heard I don't think it seems like the right time...

Maybe you are just feeling like you need something to mother. Maybe get a little puppy :)
I am 18 and got a Shih Tzu puppy recently and I love her so much. Just as much as I would love a baby :) She is so sweet and cuddles with me, it's so cute!

If you know you have financial problems that is not good...Babies need tons of stuff and tons of time...
I took the high school thing too and aced it but I am not going to have a baby.

If you are in school it will be hard to have a baby. You will probably end up not going to school and then be on welfare your whole life. You know that is not the life you want for a baby...

This is just my opinion from reading the info you wrote...

I am almost 19 as well and I sometimes have times when I fantasize what it would be like to be pregnant and have a child. I love kids and babies. But I know I want to go to college and get married and live in a secure home first :)
2008-11-29 3:23 am
I think you should have a kid hide your husbands condoms and then act really sexy then he wont be able to help it also if you have kids now than you will be a hip grandma
2008-11-29 3:10 am
well have one then

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