BOC(HK), the local arm of Bank of China, ”the local arm” 點解?

2008-11-29 4:32 am
BOC(HK), the local arm of Bank of China, "the local arm" 點解?

回答 (3)

2008-11-29 11:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For a human body, the arm refers to the upper limb.
For a tree, the arm refers to the branch(樹枝)
For a company, the arm refers to the branch(分公司) or subsidiary(子公司或附屬公司)
Local refers to here Hong Kong(本地).
So「the local arm」refers to Bank of China's( head quarters in PRC) subsidiary company located here in Hong Kong. It is called BOC (HK).
2008-11-30 7:19 pm

BOC(HK)是Bank of China在香港的一個本地分部
參考: XOXO
2008-11-29 8:49 am
A subsidiary or brunch of BOC


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