
2008-11-29 12:59 am

回答 (4)

2008-11-29 2:49 am
1. you need indefatigable, diligently, perseverance

2. you think wearily?

3. hoped that you are not good minded

4. my my ability will help you

as soon as
5. rests meet!
2008-11-29 1:14 am
1.You need to be patience, diligence, determination
2.Are you tired?
3.Hope you don't mind
4.I will help you with all my might
5.Have a break!

2008-11-28 17:21:41 補充:
5.休息一會吧! You can also write: Let's have a break! or Let's take a break! or Take 5 (mean: take a 5 minutes break time, very common in normal talking)
2008-11-29 1:02 am
1.You need indefatigable, diligently, perseverance
2.Do you feel wearily?
3.Hoped that you are not good minded
4.I will try my best to help you.
5.Let's take a break.
參考: 007
2008-11-29 1:01 am
1.You need indefatigable, diligently, perseverance
2.Do you feel wearily?
3.Hoped that you are not good minded
4.I will try my best to help you.
5.Let's take a break.
參考: me

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