Under MOA 18.1(d)(i) lobbies at basement should be individually ventilated by separate smoke outlet. It is clear under MOA. However I have a little problem for the smoke outlet as stipulated in FRC. According to FRC para 15.2 & 15.3, which of the following(s) is/are correct?
A. Every compartment on a floor of basement shares a smoke outlet.
(e.g. 2-storey basement have two smoke outlets + two additional smoke outlets for each lobbies in Firefighting and Rescue Stairway (FRS), disregard the total nos. of compartment)
B. Every compartment have individual smoke outlet provided that each compartment does not exceed 3500 m3 of compartment volume. (plus individual smoke outlet for lobbies in FRS)
C. The entire basement shares a single smoke outlet which covers all compartments in case the aggregate of compartment volume is less than 3500 m3. (plus individual smoke outlet for lobbies in FRS)
In addition according to FRC 15.3, "at least one smoke outlet for every 3500 m3 of compartment volume", is this "every 3500 m3" refer to a single compartment in basement or an area in aggregate of all compartments in basement?
Thanks a lot!!