
2008-11-28 8:22 pm

I have believed that watching TV is necessary for my life.But
I don't agree with it after I experienced a whole month of shop
watching TV at last month.

I know that I am a TV addict.The times of watching TV
exceeded eight hours a day.So I decided to shop watching TV
a whole month.But I was regretful for the decision on second day of
that month.Because I seem can't endure the desire of watching TV.
The TV was tempting.I had violent feeling to open the switch of TV.
But I know I can't do it.So I just to read a book as diverting my

As avoid the desire of watching TV,I implemented two methods.
Firstly,reducing the times of detaining home.I was doing homeworks
in library after school.Because it can prevent the opportunity of
watching TV as there hasn't TV.Secondly,visiting the programmes of
school.I was playing basketball on school'stadium and joining the
music'club.Because it can spend the most of forces and spend the
much of times.I haven't the power to watching TV as I was tired.

After a whole month,watching TV wasn't the necessary of my lift.
The experience of shop watching TV bring me some benefits.
For example,I meeted are many firends at the programmes of school.
My body was stronger than before as playing basketball.I haven't
been depending the TV after this process of shop watching TV.


回答 (2)

2008-11-29 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I realized that I was so addicted to watching TV. I even watched it
for over eight hours a day in the past, so I decided
to stop watching it for a month.
The funny thing was that I regretted having made that decision on the second day of that month.
It seemed to me that I couldn't resist the temptation.
Whenever I knew there would be a great show, I felt like
turning on my TV set, but then I told myself not to.
I had to read a book or something just to stop myself
from thinking about it.
To avoid watching TV,I implemented two
Firstly, I tried to spend less time at home by doing my homework in a library after school. I knew when there was no TV programme for me to watch, I'd not think about it.
Secondly, I also tried to take part in
some extra-curricular activities, play basketball at my school stadium and have fun at the music club.
I usually got so tired after doing all those things during the day, so I didn't feel like doing anything.
The whole month passed,watching TV is no longer
my addiction now .I don't think I need it after
having experienced living without it for one long month.
Also, I've gained some experiences and met
many new friends in those activities at the time
I stayed away from TV.
What I have benefited the most from all these is that
now my body is so much stronger than it was before.
That's because I played basketball a lot during the time I restrained myself from watching TV.
2008-11-28 10:25 pm
I always believe that watching television is my life. However, I have changed my point of view from my last month experiences.

I usually spent more than eight hours everyday just in front of my television and were super addicted to all the programme in it. I knew my addiction to television just like consuming drug. I needed to change.

My decision was to stop watching television completely. This was not an easy task as the temptation of watching television grown every seconds. The most horrible part would be the unstoppable desire and urge reaching out from my heart. This was causing me so much pain. The only way to divert my attention was to read.

To avoid my need of television, I figured out that staying away from home would be helpful. So, I decided to do my homework at library after school. This not only helped me to stay away from television, but also put in more times in my study. Also, I spent more time in my school extra activities such as playing basketball and music. I joined my school's music club and learnt to play some music instrument.

A month passed, I have experienced a total different kind of living without television. I have met a lot of friends in school. My basketball's skill have improved. My body become stronger. My knowledge to music have increased. And, I can play good guitar now.

I am truly grateful with the decision I made. I am a different person now. Television is only my past.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 12:17:29
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