~急~help~ 麻煩勁人幫手翻譯成英文

2008-11-28 9:01 am
希望有心人可以幫幫忙....thx so much!

基督徒視家庭為神聖的,是上帝所設立的制度,夫婦間的盟約是至死不渝的。以往的夫婦無論是在怎樣的情況結合,都會有心理預備對方就是終身伴侶,是好是歹,大家都同坐一條船,婚姻就是一生一世的。然而近年離婚普遍化的世界大趨勢已把這期望破壞或逆轉,不少人(包括一些前衛神學家)更提出��! �由去貶低持久的婚姻,例如「若合不來勉強在一起是沒幸福的」。如很多風氣一樣,離婚也是西洋風。以前西方的社會和法律都很重視婚姻的穩固,但自六十年代開始,隨基督教傳統的失落和社會的世俗化,法律把以前對婚姻與養育子女的責任的重視放棄了。

  婚姻的語言日漸世俗化,以前被視為崇高的聖禮(sacrament)和一種聖約(covenant),但現在則只是俗世社會的一個合同(contract)。合同是以自利為基礎的,若婚約被當作合同,那一旦它不能滿足自我的喜愛和慾望時,就會壽終正枕。婚姻世俗化的種子在啟蒙運動時已撒下,但在二十世紀初,根深蒂固的風俗才逐漸改變,婚姻和家庭開始私人化。七○年後婚姻法更全面世俗化和個人化,人們不再用制度和社會責任的角度看婚姻。我們甚至可說一種離婚的文化(culture of divorce)已形成了,「至死不渝」已變為「視乎我們個人的利益和激情能否每時每刻得到滿足」。

當建構基督教的家庭神學時,要與文化傳統保持一種辯證的關係。基督教應堅定維護家庭整體而言的神聖價值,因為它為忠誠的婚姻、平等的伴侶關係、養兒育女和對子女的約愛(covenant love) ,提供一個合宜的處境。

回答 (1)

2008-12-09 4:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Christian regards family as the sacred one, is a system that God sets up, the paction among married couple will not change even onto death. Regardless of what kind of situation past married couple combine, it is the lifelong companion to all have psychology to prepare the other side, good or bad, everybody, with taking a ship, the marriage is whole life. But the world main trend of the generalization of divorcing in recent years has already expected to destroy or reverse this, people ' Include some fashionable theologians) Propose even more? ? ! ? Go, belittle lasting marriage, for example ' it comes reluctant to be happy together jointly '. If much atmosphere is the same, it is the Western wind to divorce. Western society and law all paid attention to the stability of the marriage very much in the past, but began since the sixties, up to Christianity traditional sense of loss and common customs of society, give up to marriage with attention of responsibility to bring up children in the past law.

2008-12-08 20:02:18 補充:
The recent data reveal, has been following Hong Kong of western culture closely all the time, the divorce rate approaches U.S.A. gradually too, every two point three married couple marry, the couple divorce.

2008-12-08 20:02:43 補充:
Language common customs day by day of marriage, consider as lofty holy gift (sacrament) in the past Invite (covenant) with one kind holily ,But only the vulgar generation a contract (contract) of the society now .

2008-12-08 20:03:00 補充:
Contract until profit as foundation, if engagement can regard as into contract, it that satisfied self- fondness and at the desire since, will be dying and resting the head on. Under already spreading when the seed of common customs the marriage is in the sports of teaching beginners,

2008-12-08 20:03:13 補充:
but at the beginning of the 20th century, the deep-rooted custom changes gradually, marriage and family begin to be individualized. Seven years later the more overall common customs of the marriage law and individualize,

2008-12-08 20:03:18 補充:
people no longer see the marriage with the angle of the system and community responsibility. We can even say a kind of divorced culture (culture of divorce) Take shape, ' change even onto death ', turn into already.

2008-12-08 20:46:20 補充:
From the viewpoint of Christianity's faith, the importance of the monogamy has already been established in Jesus' lesson. Catholicism affirms the value of the marriage according to the natural law tradition,

2008-12-08 20:46:29 補充:
and regard it as a kind of holy gift (sacrament) Because the purpose of the family is to let children

2008-12-08 20:46:36 補充:
get parents' love and treatment, let married couple grow up in the mutual love in the loyal situation believing in. The wedding alliance is only a beginning of a journey, must cover this journey a lot caring about, respect,

2008-12-08 20:46:43 補充:
self-sacrifice, standing, being kind, forgiving and looking forward to.
When building the family theology of constructing Christianity, should keep a kind of dialectical relation with the cultural tradition.

2008-12-08 20:46:47 補充:
And the sacred value of the speech that Christianity should maintain the whole family firmly, because its for the loyal marriage, equal companion's relation, raising and bringing up women and inviting the love (covenant love) to children ,Offer a suitable situation.

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