
2008-11-28 11:51 am
(1)We're off to see the Wizard
(2)Poppy Fields
(3)There is everything from an electronic Wizard of Oz game for
Nintendo users to Ruby Red Shortbread for Oz lovers with a
sweet tooth.
(4) Recovery of the Fminin
(5) The Path to a Heroine
我想知道這五句的英文是甚麼意思。 謝謝

Sorry (4)的Fminin 打錯了 是Recovery of the Feminine

回答 (3)

2008-11-28 2:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案

(1)We're off to see the Wizard
=> 我們起程去找魔法師
(2)Poppy Fields
=> 罌粟田
(3)There is everything
from an electronic Wizard of Oz game for Nintendo users
to Ruby Red Shortbread for Oz lovers with a sweet tooth.
=> (這裡)什麼都有,

** Ruby red - 鮮紅色的
(4) Recovery of the Feminine
=> 女性(主義)的復甦

* I believe that you have a typo. It should be “Feminine” or “Feminism” not “Fminin”.

(5) The Path to a Heroine
=> 成為女英雄的途徑.
參考: Myself. Went abroad at age 11. With 32 years experience speaking and writing English. Tutored English as an Undergrad. A project manager in the US since 1992.
2008-11-28 2:51 pm

(1) We' 再看見巫術師 (2)鴉片領域 (3)有一切從任天堂用戶的一場電子奧茲帝國歷險記比賽對Oz戀人的鮮紅色的脆餅有爱吃甜品的胃口的。 (4) Fminin的補救 (5)嚮女英雄的道路
2008-11-28 12:49 pm
1. 我們出發去找魔法師

2. 罌粟花田

3. 綠野仙蹤什麼都有.從任天堂電玩, 甚至還有給愛吃甜食綠野迷的紅莓奶油酥餅.

4. 從飢荒中復甦

5. 成為女英雄之路

2008-11-28 15:28:29 補充:
4. 女性主義的復甦

Ruby Red Shortbread = 紅莓奶油酥餅

裡面有包紅莓醬, 像紅寶石一樣的顏色 所以才叫 Ruby Red

但是你不能翻"鮮紅"啦 這樣翻會看不懂
參考: Me

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