Whats more annoying to you theists or Atheists.?

2008-11-28 7:37 am
Because they both blindly believe in a idea without any proof.

回答 (16)

2008-11-28 9:17 pm
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Yeah...this question does fail.

I would say some Christian sects are pretty far off from what's really in the Bible and that bothers me. I'm a Protestant, and I would hope everyone actually READS the Book to find the Truth and does not just listen to someone they think is a prophet - who might actually be misleading them.
2008-11-28 7:41 am
I don't think that a person needs proof to believe. Proof is rational, belief is often faith-based, and faith is far more emotive. Neither annoy me. I respect others' right to believe as they wish.
2008-11-28 8:01 am
Theists. Most definitely.
2008-11-28 7:41 am
Actually Atheist don't believe because of the lack of proof! Christians are the ones who blindly believe in an idea without any proof. So I would say Christians are more annoying
2008-11-28 8:07 am
Atheists seem to have a little more arrogance. Many atheists automatically assume that theists are stupid for believing in God. Also, they often elevate themselves above theists because they think that they MUST be more intelligent.
2008-11-28 7:41 am
What's more annoying to you, people who initiate pointless and hatred-filled arguments online between groups of people who disagree on a fundamental level or people who call them out on it?
2008-11-28 7:53 am
True that they both believe without proof, but theists are the ones that come knocking on your door and shove religious pamplets at your face.

While my friend was walking around in the park, one solicitor actually came up to her and tricked her into saying a pledge to Christianity or something like it. [My friend thought she needed directions..long story]

Theists like to shove their beliefs down others' throats. Atheists have strong opinons, but only when questioned. You don't see atheists going around and giving out pamphlets about atheism.

I prefer agnostics. It's undecided. =]
2008-11-28 10:49 pm
Theists, because they're always spreading lies and ignorance about atheists. A lot of theists think nothing of going around saying how elitist atheists are, how atheists must be nihilists because they believe in "nothing," how atheists are so arrogant or cynical, how atheists are a bunch of know-it-alls (not sure when this became a bad thing), or how atheists "blindly believe in a idea without any proof." If a lot of theists think badly of atheists, it's because atheists challenge their most cherished beliefs. Also, we atheists are no longer content to just "sit down and shut up" as we've been expected to do in previous decades. Atheists are getting uppity and have forgotten their place, and that's something a lot of theists just can't come to grips with.
2008-11-28 7:56 am
Well atheists used to be but in my studies I've found that the agnostics, atheists and man made religions are not the fault of me. So why allow them to bother me?
As for the the theists "blindly" believing in the Almighty God?
Are you sure they cannot see what is in front of our eyes? Millions upon millions of us see what others cannot see or will not look at. You say we believe blindly but what is hope if it is seen? It is not hope nor faith in what is seen. I see my computer in front of me and I do not hope to work the keyboards nor hope to see my answer typed out in front of you.
"I SEE IT". There is no faith in that.
But as for God well as I've said millions upon millions believe in the loving God that other people seem to relegate to the dusty and rusty tin cans they have in their attics. Who is to say we are wrong or blind? Who?
It is not blind to see what others cannot, it is faith and that is not annoying in the least.
2008-11-28 7:46 am
Atheists because the are ignorant and fundamentalist theists because they are pushy.

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