do you ever feel like people are making excuses for God?

2008-11-28 7:22 am
with this whole free will concept. i mean, how can we talk about free will when someone else's free will can destroy your life/kill you, etc. what are your thoughts; thanx.

回答 (9)

2008-11-28 8:11 am
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How can we make excuses for a non-existent entity? The "will" is "any internally motivated action" according to F. Nietzsche. No more, no less.

What one chooses to accomplish is wholly up to them. Nothing forces them to turn one way or another. Perhaps you could come to a conclusion if you read some of the writings of Arthur Schopenhauer...
2008-11-28 3:54 pm
The concept of free will is that God doesn't interact with humans and their actions. We are free to act as we please.
2008-11-28 3:30 pm
Um. I don't understand your reasoning; explain it a little clearer, please.

I don't believe in God. But I'm not ruling out the possibility that there may be a higher being. I'm agnostic.

However, I firmly oppose the religious 'God's out there. The Bible is chock-full of loopholes.
2008-11-28 5:10 pm
2008-11-28 3:30 pm
Look, whether you BELIEVE in God as a concept or GODS or whatever, is quite irrelevant...The fact is, your a FOOL if you believe that there isn't SOME force, be it intelligent or otherwise out there that isn't GREATER than yourself to have created EVERYTHING in the Universe. Things that have been here for BILLIONS of years and will GO ON for BILLIONS MORE after You and I are gone...

Look at it like some long rambling orchestral piece of music. No ONE REALLY knows where it's all heading or how it will end. And I'm not just talking about "human beings." We are a mere SPECK of dust on the face of the Universe and have existed for little more than a blink of an eye in terms of the Universe's existence... But Dat Gummit, it's ALL REALLY BEAUTIFUL. EVEN THE "BAD" STUFF...You see, there is no real good or bad...those are merely HUMAN CONCEPTS. As is "free will" etc...EVERYTHING JUST IS...Accept it and cherish life for what IT IS...and ALL of it's mysteries. Experience life to the fullest. Try to treat others as you yourself would want to be treated and enjoy the ride for what it is...Good and Bad alike...The Human condition IS SUFFERING...But it's not JUST suffering, it's EVERYTHING we experience. Don't get so hung up on man made concepts and ideas...Think philosophically. The Truth is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU..You just have to OPEN your eyes and your mind.
2008-11-28 4:06 pm
people are always making excuses for 'god'..
hey guess wat everyone! I can do something amazing that he cant! BREATHE
Ohh wow...
no one person is the same so no ones free will would be the same.. ones free will would be to take vengance on those who havehurt them while the others was to destroy a threat ect..
2008-11-28 4:03 pm
That's not an excuse.
It is reasoning for others to understand and those who would use the evil of men against God and His creation are taking this fundamental right of every man woman and child and using it as a "cop out".
Yes the evil have the same free will as the righteous but come the judgement day all that will be taken away from them and there isn't a single thing within or without the whole of the universe they can do about it.
Not a thing!
And you are free to accept that or reject that. It's all up to you.
2008-11-28 3:35 pm
Well, I think everyone looks up to "God" because we don't really understand how we got here. I view it scientifically, that we're just cells. Maybe cells are God. I don't know. But I don't think "God" just snapped his fingers and Adam and Eve arrived.
2008-11-28 3:41 pm
I do believe that people make their own excuses for God, after all, no one can actually speak for God, but God. Also, I believe that your "will" is your deep, solid truth. If you stray away from your own truth and lie to yourself about anything..someone else's will (truth), can impact yours. Maybe it all has to do with how honest we are with ourselves and where that "will" takes us.

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