does teenage pregnancy frustrate you?

2008-11-27 11:53 pm
i have been reading alot of questions from what seem to be young girls uneducated having sex and falling pregnant. some women try for ages and still cant fall pregnant yet these young girls have sex once and fall pregnant how frustrated does it make you the age girls have sex seems to be getting younger and younger...... do they need more eductaing or what to stop so many teen pregnancys?
(im a mum of a 6yr old girl and god i hops i educate her and teach her enough when she is old enough that it dont happen to her)

im talking about young girls who are kids themselves 12-14yrs old i also had my baby at 19 but was ready if they are ready good on them but the ones who get on here still no nothing and ask how it happened are what im talking about


not being judgemental if your raising a child and being a great parent congrads and if ur old and abusing your children maybe you need an education to this was more direct at kids who fall pregnant because they were wrongly informed or not informed at all and then get preasured into abortion by loved ones because they feel they dont get a choice i think its sad when stuff like that happens but there are the extreams where its planned etc and to you this is not what the question was directed at.

回答 (21)

2008-11-28 12:00 am
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yeah it can be pretty frustrating
2008-11-28 12:06 am
You said you were 19 when you had your baby?? there is no way you were ready and able to support a child at 19. What education did you have at 19?? Did you finish college?? you sound like a hypocrite. Also I'll place most of the blame the household not the teenagers. It seems like parents don't raise their children any more but the entertainment industry does.
2008-11-28 12:02 am
I am a teen mother. I was 16 when I had my son and now I am 18 and he is 2. I was educated in sex and I knew what I was doing could cause me to get pregnant. And I have stuck in there and take great care of my son. He is a blessing and I am happy that he came bc there is no telling where I would be without him.
Some teen mothers do make me sick. There are some that are irresponsible and put their kids on the grandparents so they can live there life. My opinion of it is that all teen moms are NOT bad. There are some good ones. Just like all other mom no matter the age are not bad but they are not all good.

But if you can lay down and have sex,
then you should be able to take care of a child no matter the age.
2008-11-28 12:10 am
Yep, all these young girls wanting to grow up way too fast and feel like they have purpose. Having a child as a teenager, in my opinion, is selfish. I have a now 18 year old cousin who has an almost 18 month old daughter, she lives off tax payers money with her low life boyfriend (whom she barely knew before getting pregnant by him!) and they off-load their child onto their parents at any given chance. The kind of teenagers that get pregnant are usually ones that come from poor backgrounds, are people that love to go out and have a 'good time' often, smokers and drinkers - the most irresponsible people going. My cousin gets treat as if she's an adult now, now that she's a young mother - she's the most immature 18 year old i know.
Then there are women in their 30s in stable relationships with the financial capabilities to have a child and they're unable to.

Even if the prospective parents were financially stable and in a, somewhat, stable relationship IMO a teenager is nowhere near an adult yet - adulthood comes with life experience.
2008-11-28 12:09 am
I fell pregnant at 19 from the one and only time in my life I ever had unprotected sex. It was an unplanned pregnancy. But I am a good mother, my son is a great baby, I am extremely happy and so is he. I feel desperately sorry for those struggling to conceive, believe me, but when it comes down to it - I have just as much right to be a parent as any of those people. It shouldn't be about how much you want it. My mum tried for years to conceive, had 5 miscarriages and a stillbirth. Then she fell pregnant with me. Became an alcoholic soon later, tried to abort my sister with alcohol abuse (thank god she failed), and me and my sister were violently and verbally abused from the beginning of our lives. Just because someone tries, and wants it, more than someone else, does not mean they'll be a better parent. All that matters is how well a child is being raised, nothing else. I know I only just squeeze into the end of the teen pregnancy bracket, and perhaps it is younger girls you're referring to, but the same stands up. It doesn't frustrate me as long as they are good parents. I know many fantastic young parents, the youngest I know had a baby at 15 and she provides 100% and is committed 100%. Who the hell is to judge her, she made a mistake but she handled it brilliantly, as did I. I get more than frustrated when I see teen parents have their babies and carry on their lives like normal, hand the baby over to friends and family all the time so they can go out and party and just have no respect for their children. I hate that. But you get older parents like that too, and they frustrate me just as much as teen parents.

You can never tarr an entire segment of society with one brush, as you've just done. And it's extremely unfair of you to make teen parents feel guilty and responsible for older people struggling to conceive. It's a different issue entirely and you shouldn't relate it to that. There are so many young women out there trying their bitter hardest to do the best for their child, getting over stereotypes like this and making the best out of a tough situation - and things like this doesn't help. They could have quite easily had an abortion and shrugged off their responsibilities, so give them some credit.
2008-11-28 12:53 am
Yes, it does frustrates me, but not because I see many friends in their 30’s, married, financially stable and doing anything they can to get pregnant without success.

It’s because I see many of these teen girls are missing out on their own life by having kids so young. I’ve always thought I’d be a young mother, but I am glad I didn’t and instead, I spent the money and time on backpacking trips to Europe, Asia, etc. It’s not about being selfish, but about educating yourself the best you can (in and outside of school) so you’re better equipped as a parent and you have more valuable insights and experiences to share with your kids.

The worse is these teen moms going off getting pregnant, thinking they are ready to be a parent, then one day wake up and realize there is still so much they wanted to do but no longer can, at least not for another long while.
2008-11-28 12:14 am
Yes, it is an act of immaturity and carelessness. Having a baby is no small deal and many teens don't take enough precaution. I do admire does that after making the mistake decide to raise the child though. That shows they're willing to take responsibility for their actions. I am 24, I'm about to graduate in a month and only try to conceal my pregnancy at school because people always think I'm between 16-18. I don't want people staring at me and thinking I'm one of those immature teens so at school I hide it and only tell people that know me and know my real age and know I'm married.
2016-10-22 10:51 am
i comprehend you're youthful, yet i think of this is great which you're being so in charge! and that i wish you have your loved ones's help--because of fact existence isn't basic(tho' managable)without it. i replaced into 21 which ought to've been sufficiently previous, yet I comprehend--too many human beings shove their noses in the place they don't belong, and this is a b**** to overlook approximately, incredibly with those staggering hormones, huh? As for what to purchase consume and all that relaxing stuff? Get to a doctor first and verify each little thing's ok. and notice if there are issues you need to keep away from. Then, your physique assist you to comprehend what you decide on--cravings(even the unusual ones) are a good indication. Drink a good number of fluids, have your end result and vegetables--not something out of the standard, ya comprehend? And no count what they say, those snacks won't kill you, the two(do exactly not overdo it). i think of y'all ought to type or stumble on a team--on or off line--to have human beings to narrate to, help, each of the assets you decide on in any case. you're doing great so some distance!!! My teenagers are actually not a lot youthful than you, yet i wish they could make some good judgements and options(such as you're actually). Congratulations and good success, momma! ;)
2008-11-28 10:30 am
i do know what you mean, i first had sex with my b/f at 15 i was young and stupid and i regret it, i am still with him 5 years later, he is the only 1 i have ever been with. i fell preg to him when i was 17 and we have a beautiful healthy son of 21 months and are having another son in 3 weeks time.
i wanted my children more than anything in my life. i love them and as for young girls just living off welfare. i think what is better for the child: being stuck in day care 10 hours a day 5 days a week constantly getting sick, never seeing their parent(s), being raised by strangers, or being around a loving parent, who wants to do the best for their child. i have put my son in a daycare once and that was to do my 1st aid course. i hate the idea of kids being away from their parents in the care of strangers.

i did the dead, i played like an adult so now i am acting like one. my partner and i are now engaged, he works while i stay at home and look after our beautiful son.

my partner's sister on the other hand fell pregnant at 18, put father unknown on the birth certificate just because she didn't like the guy. she had a beautiful daughter, she signed up for a tafe course, never went and stuck her daughter in daycare just so she could go out shopping by herself off welfare money. that poor child doesn't know what being loved feels like. i sometimes feel like i wish i could take her, even though i have a son of my own nad another one on the way, i feel like i could do a better job. but it's not my place.

It's girls like that, they don't deserve to be parents.
2008-11-28 12:47 am
Yes, it can be a bit frustrating. Usually it is a matter of education, self-love, sexual education and biologic functions.
Things you can do to prevent your daughter to put herself in such a situation:

1- Always check her school, see if it is good not only from the academic perspective, but either from the social one, not having bulling is one of the main factors;

2- Guarantee that she's not being exposed to horrible role models such as Paris Hilton and others alike, whom on the outside might seem "powerful" but within lack self-love and self- respect. It is one of the most important things at her age, since her brain ( this is science speaking) is very vulnerable to what they call subverted messages, when an idea gets to be "registered" in your brain without your critical sense getting to realize it and therefore be able to reject it;

3- As to sexual education, whenever she asks you something that is related to sex, whether is slightly or not, answer the truth, nothing more (don't use long explanations nor answer her more than what she asked ), nothing less ( don't change the subject nor lie, by changing the subject you might give her the feeling her curiosity on it is somewhat wrong which might lead to future obsession, by lying, when she finds the truth you'll have lost her trust in you, maybe forever). When speaking of sex use the same tone you do when it's any other subject, this way she'll be less inclined to absorb sexual myths and taboos, and will be able to look at the subject more rationally.

4- Biologic functions: a few types of behaviors are due only to a bad-function, they are more common than people tend to believe.

Overall, give your daughter perspective on the future, good books to read, toys that estimulate creativity and so on (but don't push her to do stuff), it is scientifically proved that when a girl has a good future perspective, she's more likely to have babies only when she's read pysichologically and phisically, which generally happens from 20-22 years old and on.

Don't think you'll have to follow this perfectly. Just try you best.
參考: Of education - Bertran Russel; Science Magazines; The Second Sex - Simone de Beauvoir *( the testimonies part).
2008-11-28 12:10 am
Coming from a young mother herself i understand where you're coming from. Ive thought of the same thing actually. I feel really bad for those women who try and try but never succeed at having a baby but yet here WE are (teens) who are getting pregnant and aborting or choosing to have the baby. You cant do much about it but educate your daughter about it. Besides the "You better not get pregnant!" and/or "You're too young to have sex". Well have you ever wondered why girls get their period so young?...And back in the day most girls were married off and with babies at 20. BUT of course it's different now. As bad as it sounds no matter what age we are in order to "learn a lesson" you have to go through what you weren't suppose to do whether it was just lieing or getting pregnant. The society is much more sexually than 5, 10, or 20 years ago which leads to sooner sexual experiences. No matter how much you "educate" or "teach" your daughter about safe sex or no sex until marriage it's HER decision at the end! You cant always be there by her side when she has to decide to go ahead and try that cigarette or have sex with a guy. Just examples. Another thing is that just like it isn't the women who cant conceive fault it isn't our fault that we can have babies or get pregnant so fast but our responsibility to take care of ourselves. I guess you can say i was a lucky one because my boyfriend then, now husband, has been very supportive and worked his butt off for our son to have everything he has now. ALL his clothes and furniture HE bought with the money he worked for i didnt even have a baby shower! Now i consider myself a full-time mother, wife, and student.

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