
2008-11-28 7:32 am
Nowadays, the mobile communication industry is getting more competitive.
The major mobile manufacturers playing the leading roles in the industry
are Nokia, Apple, Samsung as well as Motorola. These companies all
manufacture mobile phones to their target users.

Assuming all firms in the industry join together to form a cartel. What will be the kind of market structure developed? With the aid of a diagram and marginal analysis, show how output, price, and profit are determined in this market
in the long run.

market structure -> 係咪 monopoly ??
With the aid of a diagram and marginal analysis -> 要畫圖,仲要做咩? 幅圖要點畫 同埋要有d咩資料??

回答 (1)

2008-12-01 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a)Obligopoly. Products are hetergeneous and there are only a few large sellers in the market. There are certain degree of barriers to enter and leave the market as the new comers must possess the technology and machinery to make mobile phones and if they decide to leave the market, they might incur losses if they sell the machinery immediately. Buyers did not have perfect information about the market.

b) Monopoly. MC=MR, but Price is located by finding the level of price on demand curve at that output (Q) level. Profits = (P-MC)*Q

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