番釋.....用英文 plz!!! 急用

2008-11-28 5:03 am


回答 (5)

2008-11-28 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In Italy , every family will decorate their house with some modules and scenes relating to the biblical studies during Christmas time. At Christmas Eve, the whole family will have a big feast together, and then head on to the church for the Mass in midnight. Afterwards they will visit family and friends, while only the children and elderly are presented with presents. There is a good culture in Italy . For the sake of thanking their parents in upbringing them for the past year, the children will hide their essays or poems underneath their napkins, table cloth or plates, and read them to their parents after the feast.

2008-12-09 10:15:12 補充:
To : eicachan

In your opinion (2), you mentioned "unorthodox translations".

In this case you have to let everyone understand how you determine the translation is "unorthodox". This is an exchange of knowledge.

You cannot criticize a translation without any sound reason.

2008-12-10 01:57:52 補充:
Hope you guys take a look at the following voting result to know eicachan more:


And please check how “well” her English pronunciation is:


(The 5意見)
參考: Myself
2008-12-09 2:35 am

just hope what you mean is not that answerer 002 always copies answerer 001, or imply that copying is acceptable if what one copies is "orthodox" ...

2008-12-08 18:36:02 補充:
so if your faith is Christianity and you know the "orthodox" translations of those "4 Examples" please explain to the asker

2008-12-09 16:12:32 補充:
【your's】? 【any body's】?【I pity people who copies】? 【knowledge in concern】?
i hope someone can explain the above expressions given by eicachan ...

2008-12-09 16:13:19 補充:
... and if eicachan thinks the "4 Examples" are "unorthodox", i hope she knows the "orthodox translations" and explain to the asker.
2008-12-09 12:11 am
Yes, 002 copies the unorthodox translations as well. Examples:
聖誕故事biblical studies
模型景物modules and scenes

2008-12-09 06:25:36 補充:
Although we may not agree to others' opinion, we still have to respect their rights to exressing them.
I am not interested in your's or any body's faith. I hope privacy issues are respected here. Just focus on the knowledge. Talk about the knowledge in concern please.

2008-12-09 06:28:51 補充:
Don't put words into other's mouth. I pity people who copies and never condone such behaviour.
My previous comment is just as straight forward as loopluxbury's one. The comment is on knowledge and nothing else.
2008-12-08 10:42 am
The two answers, 001 & 002, are the same.
It is obvious that 002 was a plagiarist.
2008-11-29 3:38 am
In Italy , every family will decorate their house with some modules and scenes relating to the biblical studies during Christmas time. At Christmas Eve, the whole family will have a big feast together, and then head on to the church for the Mass in midnight. Afterwards they will visit family and friends, while only the children and elderly are presented with presents. There is a good culture in Italy . For the sake of thanking their parents in upbringing them for the past year, the children will hide their essays or poems underneath their napkins, table cloth or plates, and read them to their parents after the feast.

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