有咩chemical 係會有 pungent smell???

2008-11-28 3:27 am
有咩chemical 係會有 pungent smell???

SO2 同 S 有冇呢

回答 (3)

2008-11-28 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
在HKCEE程度,SO2,Cl2,NH3會有 pungent smell,Burning sulphur 都會有pungent smell,是因為燃燒時產生的SO2
2008-11-29 10:34 pm
CE入面就SO2,Cl2,NH3都會有pungent smell,Burning sulphur都會有pungent smell,是因為燃燒時產生的SO2
呢d較弱ge酸或鹼會刺激你ge respiratory system,所以會咳
參考: 自己
2008-11-28 8:17 pm
There are a lot chemicals having pungent smell, NH3 rates number
one. Vineger, HS2 also have pungent smell. Surfur containing com-
pounds do have foul odor of decaying fish such mercaptan. The
pungent smell is a naturally defending signal to warn us that there
is a toxic chemical around.

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