
2008-11-28 2:25 am
For urinary tract infection prevention , the recommended doses range from 90 to 480 milliliters (3 to 16 ounces) of cranberry cocktail twice daily, or 15 to 30 milliliters of unsweetened 100% cranberry juice daily. 300 milliliters per day (10 ounces) of commercially available cranberry cocktail (Ocean Spray?) has been used in well-designed research.

Other forms of cranberry used include capsules, concentrate, and tinctures. Between one and six 300 to 400 milligram capsules of hard gelatin concentrated cranberry juice extract, twice daily by mouth, given with water one hour before meals or two hours after meals has been used. One and a half ounces of frozen juice concentrate twice daily by mouth has been used, as well as 4 to 5 milliliters of cranberry tincture three times daily by mouth. One study suggests that 500 milliliters of cranberry juice with 1,500 milliliters of water was sufficient in helping prevent the formation of oxalate kidney stones.

There is not enough scientific evidence to recommend cranberry supplementation in children (beyond amounts found in a normal balanced diet).

Cranberry tincture

Thank you!!!

回答 (1)

2008-12-04 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.對於尿路感染的預防,建議的劑量範圍從90到480毫升( 3至16盎司)的蔓越莓雞尾酒,每天兩次,或15至30毫升的淡100 %酸果蔓汁每日。三〇 〇毫升每天( 10盎司)的商用蔓越莓雞尾酒(海洋噴霧? )已在精心設計的研究。

其他形式的蔓越莓使用包括膠囊,集中精力,並tinctures 。 1至6個300至400毫克的硬膠囊明膠集中酸果蔓汁中提取,每天兩次的嘴,因為水一小時或飯前兩小時後吃飯一直使用。一個半盎司的冷凍濃縮汁,每天兩次的嘴已經被使用,以及4至5毫升的蔓越莓酊,每日3次口服。一項研究表明,五○○毫升的酸果蔓汁1500毫升的水就足夠了,幫助防止形成草酸鈣腎結石。

2.沒有足夠的科學證據的補充建議蔓兒童(超出數額發現在正常均衡的飲食) 。


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