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2008-11-28 1:44 am

dont copy directly from the translator thx!

回答 (5)

2008-11-28 3:06 am
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Poland abstained from very much to 13 this digit, because this easy to cause the person association to extract sells Jesus Judas. The Pole when dines the meeting also very much abstained from that 13 people share a table; They also abstained from that in 13th, Friday holds any etiquette activity; Poland's housing 13, the hotel also has not had between 13 janitors. If 13 this days are Fridays, are not suitable go to travel. If after the Pole the early morning goes out left the family, turns back, omen this day of management is not suitable; If the early morning bumps into on the road puts on mourning garment's woman and puts on the black gown's member or the nun, was considered that is inauspicious, the Polish men meet conduct a funeral procession want the take off one's hat; If the midnight meets the black cat, high noon meets the cooking oil which sprinkles to consider not auspicious; In Poland, with matches cannot 0.2 above cigarettes; The Pole goes home from outside, if enters the room conveniently to place the ceremonial hat on the bed also to consider that is inauspicious; Also has must pay attention to the Polish others' bed not to the bystander sit generally, particularly unmarried woman's bed is cannot others sit.
The Pole takes the wedding ceremony. The choice wedding ceremony's date must avoid the rainy day generally. Folklore, if the wedding ceremony rains at the same day, indicates that “the marriage is not content”, after marriage life “will cover entirely the dark cloud”.
2008-11-29 2:54 am
Poland is very much abstained from the figure 13, since it is easily associated with Judas who betrayed Jesus. Polish people do not share meal among 13 people and don't have ritual ceremony on Friday the 13th day. They have no house 13, no hotel room 13. If it is Friday and it is the 13th day, travelling is avoided. If a Polish goes out early in the morning and turns back abruptly, it means it is not a good day. If they meet women in mourning garment or monks or nuns in black robes, it is inauspicious. Polish man should take off his hat when he meet funeral procession. If he sees a black cat or is splashed with eating oil, it is inauspicious. In Poland, a match should not be used to light two cigarettes. When Polish people come home, it is inauspicous to put their hats on the bed, and outside people are not allow to sit on their beds, especially when this is an unmarried woman's bed. They put much emphasis on marriage. They don't have marriage ceremonies on rainy days, because it means unhappy marriage, the marriage life will be "cloudy".
2008-11-29 2:19 am


波蘭對13の这個數字很忌諱、因為這容易使人聯想起出賣耶穌的猶大。波蘭人在用餐聚會時也很忌諱13の人同桌; 他們也忌諱在13の日の、の星期五舉行任何禮儀性活動; 波蘭的住房没有13の号、旅館也没有13の號房間。如果13の號這天是星期五、不宜出遊。波蘭人如果清早出門離開了家後又折返回去、預兆這一天辦事不順; 如果清早在路上碰到穿喪服的女人和穿黑袍的修士或修女、被認為是不吉利、波蘭男人遇見出殯要脱帽; 如果半夜遇見黑猫、正午遇到潑出来的食油都被認為不吉利; 在波蘭、用一根火柴不能點兩支以上的烟; 波蘭人從外面回家、如果進屋就順手把禮帽放在床上也被認為是不吉利; 還有要注意波蘭人家里的床一般不許外人坐、尤其是未婚女子的床更是不許别人坐。波蘭人十分重視婚禮。選擇婚禮的日期一般要避開雨天。民間傳說、如果婚禮當天下雨、將預示著「婚姻不美滿」、婚後生活將「佈滿烏雲」。
2008-11-28 9:55 am
dont copy directly from the translator thx!
2008-11-28 2:34 am
Poland is the figure of 13 taboo, because it is easy to think of Judas betrayed Jesus. Polish meal at the gathering are also taboo table 13; they taboo in the 13, to be held Friday in any ceremonial activities; Poland is no housing on the 13th, there is no hotel room on the 13th. If 13 is the day Friday, should not travel. If the Poles left home to go out early in the morning and then go back and turn back, things are not omen for this day; if the early morning encounter on the road of mourning women wearing black robes and wearing the monk or nun, is considered inauspicious, Poland met the man off to funeral ; The middle of the night, if I met a black cat, met at noon poured out of cooking oil are considered inauspicious; in Poland, with a match more than two points can not smoke; Poles to return home from the outside, inside if the hat to put on smoothly The bed is also considered inauspicious; also should pay attention to the family of Polish-bed general not allowed to sit outside, especially unmarried women, the bed is not allowed to take other people.
Poland attaches great importance to the wedding. Select a wedding date to avoid the rain in general. Folklore, if the wedding day, rain will herald the "Marriage does not happy" marriage "full of dark clouds."

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