唔該幫我番譯成英文, 謝 謝 !!!!!

2008-11-27 9:57 pm


有些病人會依賴你, 因為你會醫好佢地既病

你會唔會同我地分享一些事 ??????

醫生既生活係咪同譜通人一樣 ??????

有一次我老公入院 , 就响 F2 內科病房 , 我探佢傾計既時侯就見到有

個醫生同病人講嘢都幾冷漠 , 病人問多一巨說話 , 個醫生話 : 頭先我

咪答咗你囉 , 問完又問 ????? 嘩 !!!! 我覺得佢講嘢態度咁衰 , 完全唔

似一個醫生 .

其實醫院每天都有唔同既事發生 , 卓醫生你覺唔覺得呀 ??????

回答 (2)

2008-11-27 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Time flies, it has been a year.
I bet you must've experienced lots of stuff in hospital, doctor Cheuk.
Some patients count on you because they think you will help them get well.
Would you kindly share with us some of your experiences?
Do doctors live the way we ordinary people do?
My better half was once in the ward F2 in the department of internal medicine.I saw a doctor talking to a patient in a cold manner during my visit to my hubby. He only wanted to ask the doc more, but the doc just replied," I have just answered your questions and now you are asking me again.Grrrrrrr!".
I said to myself , " Wow! He does not act like a doc at all and he really has attitude problems.".
May I know how you feel about the different stuff you face daily in hospital, doctor Cheuk?

Done! Hope that helps.

2008-12-01 10:07 pm
Soon after year

The doctor Cheuk you ring the hospital must be going through a lot of things

Some patients will be dependent on you because you not only to cure disease Drainage

You will not share with me something ??????

Both doctors living Jimitongpu like Walter ??????

I have a husband admitted to hospital on a medical ward F2 ring, I dumped into sewers into account both times to see the

A doctor with the patient have something to talk about a few cold, a huge number of patients asked to speak, doctor: I am the first to

A microphone does not work Hello you, ask ????? asked Wow!!!! I think the attitude of the channel say anything too bad, not completely

Like a doctor.

In fact, the hospital every day, both Wu Tong is going to happen, Zhuo doctors do not think you feel it ??????

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