
2008-11-27 6:33 pm
1. Cici can go to outing on Sunday.
2. Cici can go outing on Sunday.

3. I afaid of dark.
4. I afaid of darkness. (請解釋原因)

回答 (4)

2008-11-27 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Cici can go to outing on Sunday.
2. Cici can go outing on Sunday.
The correct sentence should be (2) because after the word "go" we should use a gerund, that is, a verb+ing form. We do not need the prepostion "to" after the word "go".

3. I afaid of dark.
4. I afaid of darkness.
Both sentence (3) and (4) are correct but you missed the word "am" after "I".
Both "dark" and "darkness" are noun which have similar meaning. They both fit in your sentence.
參考: Myself
2008-11-27 7:22 pm

1, 2. 應為: Cici can go to THE outing on Sunday.
1. outing 在此解作旅行/戶外視察, 是個名詞,所以需要一個 article.
2. outing 解作 verb 的話,是不可以解為出外考察的,所以第二句也不對

3, 4. 應為 I am afraid of the dark / I am afraid of the darkness.
"I afraid" 是不對的,中間必須加個 verb to be,"am",才可以。
至於黑暗,用 dark 和 darkness 都可以,兩者皆可作名詞用,但亦要加一個 definitive article, "the"
2008-11-27 6:49 pm
2. Cici can go outing on Sunday.
3. I afaid of dark
2008-11-27 6:46 pm
2及4對。outing是指短途旅行或遠足, 是指一個動作, 不是地點, 所以不可加to, 若要加to, 就要用 to a, 例如: go to school, go to a movie。afaid of後面要用名詞, 不可用形容詞, 所以要用名詞形 darkness.

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