
2008-11-27 10:19 am

唔開心既事比較多, 但係你唔覺得煩一直睇到而家


回答 (4)

2008-11-27 12:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I've told you a lot about my life with my husband( hubby) in many cards that I've sent you for the last two years.

唔開心既事比較多, 但係你唔覺得煩一直睇到而家
There were more sad things in the past. You've never felt annoyed;you just keep reading them.

I'd certainly love to go on with it and communicate with you this way.
2008-11-27 1:02 pm
Hi there, I hope that I can help you with this. My translation is not written in academic English as I think you are not dealing with any formal businesses, am I right? Just let me know if you want it to be translated into a more academic one. The translation is as below.

I have been telling you what has happened in the relationship with my husband through writing cards to you in these two years. It is really sad that there were much more unhappiness than happiness involved in the realtionship with my husband but you never get sick of my murmurs and complaints. I really appreciate your support and I hope that I can keep writing cards to tell you what I have been up to.
參考: hmmm.. that's what I think it should be translated to..
2008-11-27 12:04 pm
I've written so many cards for you about these two years of my life with my husband. There were a lot of unhappy memories, but you never got tired of it and kept reading the cards til now. I wish this could last and I could always talk to you about my life by writing cards like we used to.

2008-11-27 04:07:13 補充:
Your sentence structures are wrong.
2008-11-27 10:45 am
Over the past two years with my husband's life a lot of things to write cards for you

Unhappy things more, but you do not feel tired, have been to see now

Later still want to go on to write a card and talk to you

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