
2008-11-27 5:47 am
OpenProj is available for Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Unix, compatible with Microsoft Project files, and designed to work with leading open source office suites including Sun*s StarOffice, IBM Symphony, and OpenOffice.org, which boasts 100 million users. It is also available in 11 languages including Chinese and Korean.

On Demand Project Management

Project-ON-Demand is for small- to medium-sized organizations (SMBs) where several users collaborate on multiple group projects. Project-ON-Demand is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution that eliminates the complexity of deploying Microsoft Project for large, geographically dispersed teams. It builds on the functionality in OpenProj by delivering additional multi-project, collaboration, reporting, and management features for a small subscription fee. Companies around the world are using Project-ON-Demand, including Corning, Sun and Wincor Nixdorf, and many others.

Project and Portfolio Management

Ultimately, Serena will integrate Project-ON-Demand*s robust project management capabilities into Serena Mariner, the company*s enterprise-level PPM offering, to give customers a broad view of project and portfolio status across their department or entire organization.

"Strong project management support is a critical part of our PPM strategy. Many companies today are paying $1,000 per user per year for a license to Microsoft Project. Serena believes that there should be alternatives. The addition of Serena OpenProj brings our customers a viable functional alternative to Microsoft Project. In Asia, our open source application is already localized in languages such as Chinese and Korean, with other languages pending," said Mr. KC Yee, Vice President for Asia Pacific, Serena Software. "More importantly, in addition to giving the marketplace an alternative to commercial project management software, Serena now has an even stronger PPM offering on-demand."

回答 (1)

2008-11-28 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
OpenProj可在Windows , Linux , Macintosh上,和Unix ,兼容微軟項目文件,旨在與領先的開源辦公套件包括Sun *語的StarOffice , IBM公司交響樂團,和OpenOffice.org ,它擁有1億用戶。它也可在11種語言,包括中國和韓國。


項目對市場需求的小到中型組織(中小企業)有幾個用戶在多個協作組項目。項目上的需求是一個軟件作為服務( SaaS )解決方案,無需複雜的部署微軟的大型項目,地理上分散的團隊。它建立在OpenProj功能提供了額外的多項目,協作,報告和管理功能的一小收費。公司在世界各地使用的項目點播,包括康寧, Sun公司和德利多富,以及其他許多人。


最終,小威廉姆斯將整合項目點播*毛的項目管理能力將小威廉姆斯水手,該公司* S企業級PPM公司產品,為客戶提供了廣泛的項目和投資組合的地位在其部門或整個組織。

“強有力的項目管理支持的一個關鍵部分是我們的PPM公司戰略。今天許多公司正在1000美元每用戶每年的許可證到Microsoft Project 。小威廉姆斯認為,應該有辦法。增設小威廉姆斯OpenProj使我們的客戶提供了可行的功能替代微軟項目。在亞洲,我們的開源應用已經本地化的語言,如中國和韓國,與其他語言之前,先生說: “架KC議,副總統為亞太地區, Serena軟件。 “更重要的是,除了給市場的替代品的商業項目管理軟件,小威廉姆斯現在有一個更強大的PPM公司產品的需求。

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