
2008-11-27 5:36 am

回答 (2)

2008-11-27 7:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
禽流感 bird flu
會展新翼 Hong Kong Convention And Exhibition Centre New Wing
棚架安全網 Scaffolding Safety Net
器官捐贈 Organ Donation
交通諮詢委員會 Transport Advisory Committee
交通投訴組 Transport Complaints Unit
人民銀行 The People's Bank (The People's Bank of China=中國人民銀行)
示威者 demonstrant
呈陽性反應 the result is positive
糞便樣本 collect swab samples
財經事務及庫務局 Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
保監處=保險業監理處 Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
積金局 Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
證監會 The Securities and Futures Commission
金管局 The Hong Kong Monetary Authority
強積金 The Mandatory Provident Fund
社會服務令 community service order
濫用職權 Abuses of power
保安局 Security Bureau
入境事務處 Immigration Department
2008-11-27 10:23 am
禽流感--- Avian flu
會展新翼--- Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre New Wing
棚架安全網--- Scaffoldings and Screen Covers
器官捐贈--- Organ Donation
交通諮詢委員會--- Transport Advisory Committee
交通投訴組--- Transport Complaints unit
人民銀行--- The People’s Bank
示威者--- Demonstrator
呈陽性反應--- Tested positive
糞便樣本--- Faecal swab sample
財經事務及庫務局--- Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
保監處--- Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
積金局--- Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
證監會--- Securities and Futures Commission
金管局--- Monetary Authority
強積金--- Mandatory Provident Fund
社會服務令--- Community Service Orders
濫用職權--- Unnecessary Use of Authority
保安局--- Security Bureau
入境事務處--- Immigration Department
參考: website

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 19:36:07
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