有o的英文唔識做希望有人幫到在下 ( 2 0 分 ! ! ! )

2008-11-26 10:33 pm

No.1 singular nouns (e.g.bird,pen) (10個)

No.2 plural nouns(e.g.bird) (10個)

No.3 some nouns are always plural(e.g.scissors) (7個)

No.4 some nouns are plural but without 's' or 'es' (5個)

No.5 some nouns have the same form for sigular and plural (e.g.fish) (5個)

回答 (3)

2008-11-26 11:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實我麻麻哋明你條題目. 希望大約幫到你啦!
(1) boy, girl, book, church, gold, silver, wheat, corn, copper, mouse
(2) lamps, forks, cats, dogs, flowers, cups, chairs, doors, bears, rocks
(3) oats, tongs, trousers, shears, bellows, cattle, dregs
(4) men, mice, feet, lice, geese, oxen
(5) cod(s), elk(s), flounder(s), grouse(s), shrimp(s)
2008-11-27 3:35 am
No.1 singular nouns (e.g.bird,pen) (10個)
rat, egg, apple, orange,church,bell,icon,note,computer,keyboard

No.2 plural nouns(e.g.bird) (10個)
fingers, rats, socks,lighters,cigars,matches,fridges,boxes,belts,shoes

No.3 some nouns are always plural(e.g.scissors) (7個)

No.4 some nouns are plural but without 's' or 'es' (5個)
No.5 some nouns have the same form for sigular and plural (e.g.fish) (5個)


2008-11-26 19:36:14 補充:
women,men,mice,sheep,teeth,firemen<-----6 here
2008-11-26 10:36 pm
i have no idea what you are asking people to do.

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