
2008-11-26 7:25 am
我不是工作或讀書,只是留在親戚家和在英國旅遊,但我用的護照是"香港特區護照"最多只可以留90天, 有沒有方法可以再留長些時間.
煩請各位幫幫手!!thank you

回答 (2)

2008-11-26 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes. once you step out to another country and you can come back for another 90 days in UK.

it's good idea to just go to paris, or other coastline places for a short trip and then go back to uk.
2008-12-05 7:37 am
還是內地較發達 回歸吧 毛澤東

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