1個中英對照的簡單食普 =]

2008-11-26 6:13 am

7個部驟就得la 5哂錦多ge thx~

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2008-11-26 6:27 am
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Hawaiian kebabs
1. Green pepper 1 (Large)
2. Canned pineapple 2 slices
3. Ham steak 1/2 pieces
4. Pineapple juice 100 ml

1. Fresh mint leaves 50 g
2. French mustard 1/2 tsp
3. Pineapple juice 2 tbsp
4. Lemon juice 2 tsp
5. Margarine 2 tbsp

1.Clean the green pepper and remove seeds.
2.Cut each pineapple slices into six pieces. Then cut the ham steak and green pepper to small pieces with similar size.
3.Place ham, green pepper and pineapple alternatively on bamboo sticks.
4.Grill the kebabs on high heat until hot. Turn and brush the kebabs with pineapple juice from time to time. Dish up.
5.Wash and drain the fresh mint leaves. Melt margarine and cook the sauce. Pour the sauce on kebabs and serve hot.

1. 清洗青椒,去核。
2. 菠羅6件,火腿青椒一樣SIZE。
3. 把所有嘢放在竹簽上。
4. 灯熟。放上HONEY
5. 弄好D汁。(用植物油和香草)

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