要改寫成 passive voice 應該點分析?急!!我要考試(中三)

2008-11-26 4:22 am
將主動句轉成被動句 應該點做?
我只知 將受詞改成主語 跟住+動詞 然後照抄
就好似 我每天飲牛奶 改成 牛奶每天被我飲
咁英文又點做? 我唔知點加時式
如: The layer will announce the details the show tomorrow
尼句係將來式  應該係邊度加?
英文句子改成被動 係咪咩時式都可能有呢?

可以的話 教埋我 點樣由被動改成主動



回答 (2)

2008-11-26 10:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

The layer will announce the details OF the show tomorrow
the details of the show <-------Object.
The details of the show will BE ANNOUNCED by the layer tomorrow.
I am sorry that I do not know much Chinese.
I don't think I am able to help you with the Chinese parts.
英文句子改成被動 係咪咩時式都可能有呢?
You may, but Ummmmmmmm........
in some situations, you may find it funny when you make a sentence in passive voice.
Please take a look at the following sentence.
I am kissing her lips. <------------------------( present progressive tense in active voice)
I am going to change it to "PASSIVE VOICE" now.
Her lips are being kissed by me. <------( Try to translate this into Chinese and you will see what I mean.)
No one would say things like this in real life because this sentence is pretty unnatural and weird.
This is totally insane to me too !
By the way, your original sentence would look more natural this way:
The layer will announce the show in detail tomorrow.

in detail, item by item; with particulars: The rsum stated his qualifications in detail. <------------No s's here
See you.

2008-11-26 02:52:56 補充:
The other guy who has just answered this thread is right about the word PLAYER.

O_O Do you mean " layer" or " player", sky25222003? O_O
2008-11-26 4:43 am
I think your original sentence is more like this: The player will announce the details of the show tomorrow
Passive: The details of the show will be announced by the player tomorrow.
Here are some ways to help you.
The player is the subject. Will Announce is the verb. The details of the show is the object. tomorrow is the time. Passive means to switch the positions of subject and object. so you place the object in front: The details of the show
Then you place the verb: will be announced by <--- future tense passive form
Then you place the subject: The player
Then you place the time: tomorrow
Passive basically can be used any time, but sometimes they are not necessary.
E.g. I poured water into the cup.
Passive: Water was poured into the cup by me. <---It's confusing and unnecessary, so actually passive shouldn't be used so much unless you want to achieve a special literary purpose.
參考: myself

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