關於marketing segmentation(急問)

2008-11-26 3:22 am
做marketing plan個時要做marketing segmentation...可以用demographic,geographic,psychologic,life style咁去分....而demographic,geographic我都明...但係如果要用psychologic,life style,interset咁去分可以分到無窮無盡啊..例如有人鍾意留係屋企,有人鍾意睇戲唱k,有人鍾意食tea,有人鍾意吹水...用psychologic,life style,interset咁做segmentation既時候...我都唔知要分幾多個segment先得定係其實我分得太仔細...可唔可以教下我..如果用埋例子說明就好好啦...唔該

回答 (4)

2008-12-03 12:57 am
In marketing, STP(Segmentation, Target market and position) is closely related.
Lets make it simple, all the segmentation method is not mutually exclusive. You can use more than one method to do segmentation. E.g If i am selling clothes, i can segment the market by choosing demographic(teenagers),and geographic(in Mongkok)...etc.But finally i choose to target teenagers that spend at least 2 days in MK per week with moderate spending power as my target market.

Segmentation and target market selection is always talking about focus!! You can segment the whole market and target the whole market. When you have lots of options, try to choose the segmentation based on:
1. Sizable
2. Profitable
3. Sustainable
4. Reachable

Then you will know how to prioritize your segmentation and target market.
2008-11-26 1:26 pm










2008-11-26 10:49 am
公司 :Succesystem
地址 :尖沙咀
性質 :客戶服務
職位空缺 : 客戶服務員
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公司網址: Http://succesystem.com/vip
有意應徵者可致電64384139聯絡Keith Kwan
[email protected]
2008-11-26 4:25 am
Market segmentation means you have to minimize your cost of operation but to maximize the benefit of your choice. You are right. Market segmentation could be divided into a lot of small segments. The other essential issue is how your effort or resource being put to maximize the benefit. So, after market segmentation, you have to put effort to target your customers by age etc.
In your case, if you segment the market by life style, staying at home, you could still sub-segment those staying at home by a demographic factor. Young generations usually staying at home around the computer, staying in the web, so e-businesses, web communicating, and games could then be developed to these sector of customers. The old generations will usually staying at home around the TV for self-entertainment e.g. Old Movies, Songs, Drama and Old TV programmes.
Overall, you have to assess your own strength and weakness before you take this opportunity and threats relative to your fellow competitors in formulating your marketing strategy and its operational plan with the use of this market segmentation concept.

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