
2008-11-26 1:45 am

回答 (1)

2008-11-27 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案

Since angle EBC is 90 degree, therefore, BC = EC cos angle ECB
Similarly, angle EBA is 90 degree, therefore, BD = AD cos angle BDA

Given BD=BC and AD=EC
EC cos angle ECB = BC = BD = AD cos angle BDA
cos angle ECB = cos angle BDA
angle ECB = angle BDA

AB = AD sin angle BDA = BD sin ECB = BE
therefore all angles and length of triange ABD and triangle EBC are the same

since AB=BE, therefore angle BEA = 45 degree
From triangle ADE, total interior angle = 180 degree

angle DAE + angle ADE + angle AED = 180 degree

since angle BEA = 45 degree, angle AED = 135 degree
therefore angle DAE + angle ADE = 45 degree, or

From above, we know that angle ECB = angle ADE
therefore angle ECB = 45 degree - angle DAE

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 19:16:49
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