what arouses you and turns you on?是什麼意思?

2008-11-25 11:34 pm
what arouses you and turns you on?


回答 (3)

2008-11-26 1:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
It may mean " What makes you interested in, what excites you or what makes you high?"
A: What arouses you?( note: this may refer to someone's sex drive.)

To awaken from or as if from sleep.
To stir up; excite: The odd sight aroused our curiosity. See Synonyms at provoke.
To stimulate sexual desire in. From dictionary.com
B: The odd sight.
A: you like this sexy pyjamas I am wearing, Loh Kung?
Does it turn you on?
B: Oh yeah, babe! You are hot.
Notes: There are only examples above . In different situations, they mean differently.

2008-11-26 12:40 am
what arouses you and turns you on?
什東西(或事件)激發起你及使你發奮 ?
是什麼能激發起你及令你醒覺 ?
參考: Own
2008-11-26 12:08 am
照字面解 :

什麼引起你(的興趣) 而另你感覺到 (令會到)。

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