特登 有意去做一樣野 英文係..

2008-11-25 9:55 pm
u intented to fool me around?
u played jokes on me intentionally?

am i correct?


回答 (1)

2008-11-25 10:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案

You can say it in many different ways.
1) Was it your intention to fool me?
2) Did you pulled my leg on purpose? leg <--- not legs.
It is an idiom.
3) you made fun of me intentionally, didn't you?
4) you meant to fool me, didn't you?
5) Did you try to tease me for fun?
6) Did you play a joke on me on purpose?
7) Did you mean to tease me?
8) Did you play jokes on me intentionally?
u intented= 打算 to fool me around?<------------- Not very natural!
9) you poked fun at me on purpose?
10) Did you tease me for fun?
Note: We learn from books, but something we learn from those books
may not be natural if we use it in oral English.
In daily conversations, I seldom hear the adverb" intentionally".

That's it.
See you around.

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