
2008-11-25 8:28 pm
由於經濟急速轉差, 雖然今年的財務預算出現赤字, 但我們仍然不會增加收費.與各會員共渡時艱. 今年的財務預算赤字可由已往的年度盈餘填補,經填補後預計仍有$1000的累積盈餘.

回答 (3)

2008-11-25 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Since the economy is declining rapidly, we are having a deficit in our budget. Despite of this we will not be increasing our fares and will choose to overcome the crisis together with all the fellow members. The deficit in the curent year can be financed by the gains in the past years. After the cancellation we still exect to have a $1000 net cumulative surplus.

2008-11-25 14:15:06 補充:
exect = expect
2008-11-25 10:11 pm
Due to the rapid economic deterioration, this year budget is deficit but we still would not increase the charges. We would ride out the storm together. This year's budget deficit will cover by the previous years surplus. There are still have expected accumulated surplus $ 1,000.
2008-11-25 8:39 pm
Because the economy slips rapidly, although this year's financial budget has the deficit, but we will still not increase the charge. Altogether crosses with various members when jian. This year's financial budget deficit might fill by the previously annual surplus, after fill estimated that still had $1000 accumulated surpluses.

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