
2008-11-25 10:35 am
我要回覆既內容大約係 :
問返個客有冇運輸agent ~如果有既話就叫佢比個agent既聯絡方法比我


回答 (4)

2008-12-01 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear xxx,

Re : Your order of 1,000 pcs ???

Thank you for your email. Please see the following details of your order :

1. Unit price – HK$ 9.50 (Please check if it is HK$ or not)

2. We have available stock for 1,000 pieces. They can be delivered as soon as we clarify other details.

3. Our stock contains of various colors and patterns. Hence regretfully we cannot let the customers select specific colors nor patterns. The 1,000 pieces have to shipped in assorted colors and patterns.

4. Transportation :
Please advise whether you have any transportation agent. If so please give us the contact details for us to arrange the transportation. In this case the transportation fee will be settled between you and the transportation agent.

In case you do not have specific transportation agent, we will locate one in our end and let you know the transportation cost. Again the transportation fee will be settled between you and the transportation agent.

5. Payment of order :
Hi, I am not sure why you mentioned as :付款方式一樣係比個agent~agent再比我, since it is not possible for the payment to be settled via a transportation agent, no matter it is yours or his. Therefore suggest you to specify what is the payment method you required such as :

- 100% down payment
- 70% down payment to be paid within 7 days at time of ordering, balance 30% to be paid 10 days prior to ex-factory date

- All payment to be paid in cash to our XXXX bank account in HK$.
Account number : 123456
Account name : ABC Company

Upon your confirmation on above we will arrange shipment accordingly.

Thanks and Best Regards

2008-12-09 10:17:05 補充:
Hope you guys take a look at the following voting result to know eicachan more:


And please check how “well” her English pronunciation is:


參考: Myself
2008-12-01 10:55 pm
Here is your reply email.

Dear xxxx,

Thank you for your email regarding an order of 1000 units of --(name of goods)--, their price and payment method.

2008-12-01 14:55:44 補充:
I am glad to tell you that at present we have sufficient stock of this item in a variety of patterns and colours. At random pattern and colour, their unit price is $9.50. And we will deliver to you whatever is available, which will include tens of different styles.

2008-12-01 14:56:03 補充:
Please inform us the name of your transporting agent, if you have one, and how can we contact them. If you don't have one, we will use our own transporting agent.

In either of the above cases, your payment for the goods will be made to the agent who will in turn pay us.

2008-12-01 14:56:13 補充:
Please let us know if you want to place your order, or if you have further enquiries.

Yours truly,

2008-11-25 12:34 pm
Dear XXXX,

I (have received / am in receipt of / acknowledge receipt of) your letter dated (20 November 2001) in which you requested that we'd send you one thousand of ( what) and I will be happy to supply you with all the information available at this time.
We have (some) stocks in hand, but we regret to inform you that
we will only be able to send youXXXX samples whatever we have in hand owing to the large number of excessive patterns and colours.
In relation to the payment method, may I know if you have any
transportation agencies?If so, I would like to know how I should contact them. You may pay the agency and I will collect the amount from them. If not, I will find myself one and the payment method
will then be the same as above.
I hope that the information which I have provided will help you in making your plans. Please feel free to contact me again if I can be of further assistance.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,

Please change the date you received their letter and
fill in the numbers and what kind of things they are by youself.

2008-11-25 04:42:19 補充:
I am sorry.@_________________________@ I mixed up with " you" and" we".

Let me copy and paste the whole email for you.

2008-11-25 04:42:35 補充:
Dear XXXX,

We (have received / am in receipt of / acknowledge receipt of) your letter dated (20 November 2001) in which you requested that we'd send you one thousand of ( what) and we will be happy to supply you with all the information available at this time.

2008-11-25 04:42:47 補充:
We have (some) stocks in hand, but we regret to inform you that

we will only be able to send youXXXX samples whatever we have in hand owing to the large number of excessive patterns and colours.

2008-11-25 04:43:01 補充:
In relation to the payment method, may I know if you have any

transportation agencies?If so, we would like to know how we should contact them. You may pay the agency and we will collect the amount from them. If not, we will find ourself one and the payment method

2008-11-25 04:43:17 補充:
will then be the same as above.

We hope that the information which we have provided will help you in making your plans. Please feel free to contact me again if we can be of further assistance.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

2008-11-25 04:43:33 補充:
XXXXX<---------------Sign your name here

2008-11-25 04:44:00 補充:
Done!!!! Sorry about the mess. Hope that helps. O_O Ciao
2008-11-25 11:49 am
$9.5一隻: $9.5 for one unit
我有現貨~但係花紋同顏色太過多~ : I have enough stock of the the item you requested, but there are too many choices of colour and pattern
冇得揀花紋同顏色~我地有咩款就比數十隻款佢: I cannot give you a choice of the pattern or the colour, but I can give you about 10 of each pattern or colour that we currently have in stock
同埋要話返比個客知付款方法: method of payment is ( )
問返個客有冇運輸agent ~如果有既話就叫佢比個agent既聯絡方法比我: do you have a transport agent for the transport of the purchase? Can you please include in your reply the contact of your transport agent
而佢就付款比個agent~agent就會比錢: The transport agent will collect the payment from you
如果佢冇既話~我會自己去搵運輸~: If you do not have such a agent, I can look for one myself
而付款方式一樣係比個agent~agent再比我: the same payment method apply to the agent that I employed, and the agent will pass the payment on to me
參考: myself

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