where can I find the lucite/plastic rhinestone jewelry at wholesale to sell for my own business?

2008-11-24 8:14 pm
In my town this jewelry has become very popular with all the girls. I am a small business owner and would like to sell them myself. Does anyone know where to get these from for wholesale(at price) so that I may sell them in my office? Any leads will help! Thanks guys!

If you would like to see a sample of what I am talking about let me know and I'll send you a link! =)

回答 (3)

2008-11-25 8:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi! I am a wholesaler of fashion jewelry in Hong Kong. All our jewelry are chosen carefully and imported from Korea. The products we have are all made from natural stones. You can visit our website at www.foreverbloom.hk

Thank you very much!
2008-11-28 9:07 am
2008-11-27 3:11 am
See http://www.iwanttosellstuff.com for a list of wholesalers.

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