no scarcity = no opporturnity cost??

2008-11-25 5:56 am
no scarcity = no opporturnity cost??

回答 (3)

2008-11-25 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Scarcity means limited supply. Opportunity cost refers to the cost of obtaining the next best alternative. Every product or service has an alternative (in theory) and therefore everything has alternative cost. If you do not invest in the stock market, your alternative is to put the money in bank. Therefore the alternative cost is the interest. If you give up a job, your alternative is the salary foregone. Scarcity has no relationship to opportunity cost because it only refers to a choice between alternatives but scarcity refers to the supply of goods or service.
2008-11-26 6:32 am
Yes!Because no scarcity = no choice!
no choice = not to give up
not to give up,therefore you will only have a choice,
so no scarcity = no opporturnity cost!
2008-11-25 6:31 pm
Not necessarily, for every decision, there is an opportunity cost because you
could have used the money or time to buy or do something else.


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