What do we gain by being honest?

2008-11-25 4:52 am
What do we gain by being honest?

回答 (2)

2008-11-25 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
If being honest, we will feel better. Maybe if the teacher have mark ur test wrongly, and u don't tell the teacher, u may be scared and won't know when the teacher will found out. Sometimes u will think u done bad to be dishonest and can't sleep whole night. And being honest will give a good remark from teacher.
Hope it can help u
參考: myself
2008-11-25 8:54 am
I guess if I am honest, people will look up to me for sure and I'll never have to lie about anything I have ever done.
Some of my classmates and I lie to our teachers from time to time.
What do we usually gain? In the end, we all have to get punished.
I remember that I once cheated in an exam and got caught by my English teacher. Many of my classmates turned a blind eye to me after that. I felt like I'd committed a big crime or something.
My teacher even had a long talk with my parents.
Of course they got so angry with me. I was grounded for a week.
I could not go out with my friends for a week.
There is one more thing I may gain for being honest.
I am certain that I will surely have more friends than those who always lie or attack people with their strong words and act as if they were saints.
Friendship is very important to me. I think I'll have to keep it that way- to be a honest student.


2008-11-25 01:46:11 補充:
if I am honest, people will look up to me for sure and I'll never have to lie about anything I have ever done.***********************

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