Air Pollution

2008-11-25 3:17 am
1. What lead to air pollution?
2. How does air pollution affect us?
3. How to solve the problem of air pollution?
4. What should we do?

Please answer in detail, thank you!

回答 (1)

2008-11-25 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. What lead to air pollution?
natural events and human activicities
-natural events :volcanic eruption
-human activicity:urban and industrail activities shifting cultivation and

2. How does air pollution affect us?
harm our health, make us respiratory diseases

3. How to solve the problem of air pollution?
-Unleaded petrol is used instead and not use the leaded petrol
-set the law
-plants more trees
-use the pubilc transport and reduce use the car

4. What should we do?
-use the pubilc transport and reduce use the car
or walk instead the car


2008-11-24 20:44:48 補充:
參考: ME 好辛苦咁做 ,從我的知識+地理書

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