how to loose weight? loose butt and thigh?

2008-11-24 8:33 pm
since i switch my job into office, my bottom part has increase one size already. i really want to loose my butt and thigh....i can't even fit in to my winter pants anymore!!! help me pls....


回答 (2)

2008-11-25 6:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Simplest way:
1) Rope skipping 跳繩
2) Cycling 騎腳踏車
Do any of above for 30 minutes a day, you'll find every part of your body became healthy & ideal in 45 days.
But please keep on doing it, or you'll get back to 165 lbs. 恒心比什麼重要.
參考: self
2008-11-24 9:46 pm

Do you mean you want to LOSE some weight?
If so, I think cycling may help you.

Good luck!


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