
2008-11-24 7:37 pm

回答 (9)

2008-11-25 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Wouldn't care how long it lasts,
as long as I'd owned it once.
參考: self
2008-11-25 10:39 pm
但我要就各位既答案作出以下見解, 呢個係我個人既見解, 唔鍾意唔好插我~ >.<
第一,有人答"Ever do not care, only about once", 呢個答案唔係錯, 但我會覺得你答得好行貨,根本就係從網上翻譯直譯過來......... =.=" , 所以我唔會俾分你地, sorry.

2008-11-25 14:40:20 補充:
第二, 亦都有人答" Wouldn't care how long it lasts, as long as I'd owned it once."或者"Not to care much about ever-lasting love, but to be only concerned about if I've ever won your heart.呢兩個都唔錯, 有落到心機去譯,但從句子結構上來看,前者會比較完整而且意思會更直守接易明白。所以我會將今次既分數俾byc8111, 再次多謝各位既參與~~!!

2008-11-25 14:40:32 補充:
P.S.雖然我最後並沒有採用到大家所答既答案, 因為我在後期已找到一個更好既答案, 各位可以一齊參考。呢個答案係來自英國一位詩人,他將這句譯成"It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" (情願愛戀過而失去,總好過從來未試過愛戀), 我覺得呢句真係好貼切呢~~!!
2008-11-25 4:45 am
Ever do not care, only about once
2008-11-25 2:43 am
I wanted to ask " did not care about for ever and ever, only cares about once has
2008-11-25 1:59 am
To only take to heart owning (sth) for once and not forever.
參考: me
2008-11-24 10:06 pm
Not to care much about ever-lasting love, but to be only concerned about
If I've ever won your heart.

2008-11-24 9:44 pm
Ever do not care, only about once
參考: by google
2008-11-24 9:02 pm

Treasure the experience of possession but not eternity.
2008-11-24 8:11 pm
Did not care about for ever and ever, only cares about once had!

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