維也納, 布達佩斯 行程! help! 20points

2008-11-23 5:21 pm
I am planning for a 5 days trip to Budapest and Vienna during the christmas. I have the following questions,

1) Do u think is enough to stay in Vienna for 2 days or should I stay for 3 days

2) Any "MUST GO" attraction in Vienna? What are the fares?? if anyone knows...

3) DO u know the fare for the train journal btw Budapest and Vienna? I heard is 28EURO??can I pre-book via internet???

4) Any "MUST GO" attraction in Budapest? What are the fares?? if anyone knows...

5) Do u think is enough to stay in Budapest for 2 days or should I stay for 3 days

It would be much appreciated if anyone could help. Thanks very much indeed^^

回答 (1)

2008-11-23 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案

(1-2) 由於我係音樂人,所以會選擇留在Vienna久些,你可以到市立公園影Strauss & Mozart的金像,去Stephansdom,在stephansplatz附近亦有很多shops可以買東西禮品等;去Schubert, Beethoven博物館啦,Schonbrunn(香布倫宮)
你可以買一張daily ticket,以前大約EUR5,現在可能EUR6,而博物館和香佈倫宮都會收費的,Stephansdom和公園則免費,你預EUR全部博物館和宮殿收費EUR30啦,應該不超過這費用,我上次去香佈倫宮,只去不用付費部份,都可以逗留幾小時,這些地方自己去都可以,很方便又容易找,在火車站或酒店或地鐵站取張市區地圖便可!
(3) 我上次去係坐日火車去的,在車上過境後會有人SALE我住酒店!火車類別都有快慢的分別,咁會影響價格的,快車會貴D啦當然,你可以到以下網址找到有關資料!
(4-5) 我相信BUDAPEST玩兩日都夠了,我上次去都係一日就玩完主要景點,當然一定要到CHAIN BRIDGE(鏈橋)看一下啦,還有漁人堡,影下國會大樓等等,記得影多瑙河呀...你可以到以下網頁找到一些景點的! http://europe.go2c.info/hu/budapest.htm

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