幫忙翻譯 (請不要使用翻譯器)

2008-11-23 7:17 am
Ladies and gentlemen it could be even news we have all been waiting for that key to winning the battle of the bulge could beat. The answer lies not low carb low fatter portion control. But in lizards fit. But yeah. Well -- years ago doctors discovered the saliva. Of the poisonous. -- monster. Can treat diabetes so far so good. And now researched it researchers think that saliva. May have another much coveted side -- Here to explain as doctor Marc Siegel proxies medical contributor. Morning doctor good morning Greg -- our right saw everything heard of the Hewlett monster but it is a lizard and apparently it's been helping diabetics and now we learned it. It could help your --"

" Well that's right -- well first of all I want people to stay away from this thing in the zoo because it's also poisonous lizards so let's stick. Bill good to know let's stick to the pill we made out of this call by data and and yes it includes some of the lizards that from this -- monster which is pretty scary looking. Are you know this drug came out of 2005. And it's been prescribed for about a million people. It's an injection it works really well at controlling diabetes it's gotten into some trouble lately because of fear that it affects the pancreas. But that's a very rare side effect now. The weight loss aspect is something that's been known but is not well studied. I think it's a really good idea for diabetics to think about this out because there's a lot of ways -- that it can cause weight loss one can make you feel fall to be decreases your appetite. Three it delays your stomach from empty and it also decreases your insulin production after meals this is a very very good thing."

" If it delays your stomach from emptying -- I think you would gain weight."

" Well no because it gives your body more of a chance to digest slowly the way it's supposed to do so instead of flooding your bloodstream with a lot of glucose. It slowly digest and that actually reach the deep -- wait."

回答 (3)

2008-11-26 4:04 am
2008-11-23 10:06 pm
女士們,先生們可以更新聞,我們都一直在等待這關鍵打得贏的隆起難以超越的。答案是不低碳水化合物低胖的部分控制。但是,在蜥蜴合適。但是,是的。啊-幾年前醫生發現唾液。毒。 -怪物。可以治療糖尿病迄今好。現在,它的研究人員研究認為,唾液。可能有很多垂涎的另一側-在這裡解釋為醫生馬克西格爾代理醫療貢獻者。今天早上好醫生格雷格-我們看到的一切權利聽說惠普怪物,但它是一個蜥蜴,顯然這是一直在幫助糖尿病患者,現在我們的教訓。它可以幫助你-“

“嗯這是正確的-以及首先我希望人們能遠離這件事在動物園,因為它也是有毒的蜥蜴所以讓我們堅持。條例草案良好知道讓我們堅持我們的藥丸了這一呼籲的數據和和是它包括一些蜥蜴,從本-怪物這是非常可怕的前瞻性。您是否知道這種藥物出來的2 005年。而且已經訂了大約1 00萬人。這是一種注射它真的很好控制糖尿病的得到了一些麻煩,因為最近的恐懼,它影響到胰腺。但這是一個非常罕見的副作用,現在。失重方面的東西,被稱為,但沒有很好地研究。我認為這是一個非常好的主意糖尿病思考這是因為有很多的方式-它可導致體重減輕可以使你感到有所降低食慾。延誤三個它從你的肚子空的,它也降低你的胰島素生產飯後,這是一個非常非常好的的事情。 “

“如果你的胃部拖延從排空-我想你會發胖。 ”

“嗯沒有因為它使你的身體更多的機會慢慢消化的方式假定這樣做不是洪水你的血液與大量的葡萄糖。它慢慢消化和實際達到的深層-稍等。 ”
參考: mememememe
2008-11-23 7:34 am
女士們,先生們可以更新聞,我們都一直在等待這關鍵打得贏的隆起難以超越的。答案是不低碳水化合物低胖的部分控制。但是,在蜥蜴合適。但是,是的。啊-幾年前醫生發現唾液。毒。 -怪物。可以治療糖尿病迄今好。現在,它的研究人員研究認為,唾液。可能有很多垂涎的另一側-在這裡解釋為醫生馬克西格爾代理醫療貢獻者。今天早上好醫生格雷格-我們看到的一切權利聽說惠普怪物,但它是一個蜥蜴,顯然這是一直在幫助糖尿病患者,現在我們的教訓。它可以幫助你-“

“嗯這是正確的-以及首先我希望人們能遠離這件事在動物園,因為它也是有毒的蜥蜴所以讓我們堅持。條例草案良好知道讓我們堅持我們的藥丸了這一呼籲的數據和和是它包括一些蜥蜴,從本-怪物這是非常可怕的前瞻性。您是否知道這種藥物出來的2 005年。而且已經訂了大約1 00萬人。這是一種注射它真的很好控制糖尿病的得到了一些麻煩,因為最近的恐懼,它影響到胰腺。但這是一個非常罕見的副作用,現在。失重方面的東西,被稱為,但沒有很好地研究。我認為這是一個非常好的主意糖尿病思考這是因為有很多的方式-它可導致體重減輕可以使你感到有所降低食慾。延誤三個它從你的肚子空的,它也降低你的胰島素生產飯後,這是一個非常非常好的的事情。 “

“如果你的胃部拖延從排空-我想你會發胖。 ”

參考: google

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