
2008-11-23 7:05 am


回答 (3)

2008-11-23 7:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
想從事金融行業,一定要有牌,金融從業員資格考試共有10張試卷,共有兩張指定試卷 ( 卷1及7為必考科目 ) 及8張針對規例及應用方面的專門試卷。從事股票的要考卷1、7及8;從事期貨的要考卷1、7及9。
有關考試詳情,可登入香港證券專業學會網址 ( www.hksi.org ) 瀏覽。

2008-11-24 10:09 pm

How are you? We are Zurich Life Insurance Co ltd. I am Kevin Ho. We providing 10 weeks training course with basic salary. You can really to introduce yourself to this financial field. So, please contact me if you really interesting in this field. Just to make you know more.

My contact is 6680 1847 or [email protected]

Just call me if you are ready! Just pick up your phone now! Remember 10weeks with basic salary.

Kevin Ho
2008-11-23 9:30 am
There are many jobs in finance that does not deal with investments.
Every company in every industry hires accountants and financial analysts.
To make it in finance, you need to take courses in accounting, and work
your way up as entry level accountant or analyst. There is no quick way.
If you are good, maybe you will become a controller or a CFO one day.

Good Luck.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 14:30:24
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